Ben Hancock

Ben Hancock

Ben Hancock is the Data Editor for ALM Media and He is based in San Francisco.

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June 02, 2020 |

Universities Are Lawyering Up to Fight COVID-19 Closure Class Actions

Quinn Emanuel, Cooley, Wilmer and Orrick are among the firms tapped to defend suits seeking partial tuition refunds for students impacted by campus closures.

By Dave Kostiuk

4 minute read

May 26, 2020 |

Litigation During the Pandemic: Views from the Newsroom

A analysis shows that jurisdictions around the country are experiencing deep slides in new civil case filings year-over-year, but to differing degrees. Our local reporters share some perspective about what's going on.

By Ben Hancock

4 minute read

May 07, 2020 |

A Silver Lining for Litigators? Business Isn't Booming But It's Picking Up

A new snapshot of commercial lawsuit filings in U.S. district courts shows a hint of a return to pre-pandemic levels.

By Ben Hancock

2 minute read

April 23, 2020 |

Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, a Slump in Federal Commercial Litigation

In the weeks since the pandemic declaration, new cases are down more than 20 percent compared to last year. Examine the data by region and practice area with interactive data visuals from Legal Radar.

By Ben Hancock

3 minute read

October 17, 2019 |

How Vendor Data Breaches Are Putting Law Firms at Risk

Records show that law firms' relationships with third-party vendors are a frequent point of exposure to cyber breaches and accidental leaks.

By Christine Simmons | Xiumei Dong | Ben Hancock

11 minute read

October 15, 2019 |

Law Firm Cybersecurity: See Which Firms Reported a Data Breach obtained data breach reports from more than 100 law firms—searchable here—but cybersecurity experts warn that far more firms are falling victim.

By Christine Simmons | Xiumei Dong | Ben Hancock

2 minute read

October 15, 2019 |

More Than 100 Law Firms Have Reported Data Breaches. And the Problem Is Getting Worse

A investigation finds that law firms are falling victim to data breaches at an alarming rate, exposing sensitive client and attorney information. These incidents—most unpublicized before now—may just be the tip of the iceberg.

By Christine Simmons | Xiumei Dong | Ben Hancock

12 minute read

June 03, 2019 |

Data Snapshot: The Am Law 200's Lopsided Revenue Growth

While the top half of the Am Law 200 rake in ever more cash, the Second Hundred are seeing relatively tepid growth.

By Ben Hancock

2 minute read

May 06, 2019 |

Data Snapshot: The Path to Big Law Equity Partnership Is Narrowing

Twenty years ago, holding the partner title at an Am Law 100 firm usually meant sharing in the firm's profits. That's not the case any more.

By Ben Hancock

2 minute read

April 22, 2019 |

Data Snapshot: A Look at the Falling Bar Passage Rates in Five U.S. States

From Florida, to New York, to California, the bar exam passage rate has been sliding across the country. A new series digs into why -- and what it means.

By Ben Hancock

2 minute read