Ben Seal is managing editor of The American Lawyer. He joined the magazine in February 2018, and previously spent five years working for The Legal Intelligencer, editing the paper's magazines and supplements and reporting on Pennsylvania's state courts, legislature and Attorney General's Office. Contact him at [email protected] or @BSealTAL.
November 09, 2018 | The American Lawyer
The American Lawyer Is Seeking Dealmakers NominationsThe window to submit entries is open through Dec. 10.
By Ben Seal
1 minute read
November 08, 2018 | The American Lawyer
The Importance of an Origination Plan for AssociatesPaying associates for business they create is critical to talent retention.
By Evan P. Anderson
8 minute read
November 06, 2018 | The American Lawyer
What Law Firms Need to Know to Prepare for the Next RecessionThose that fail to adapt to the changing industry will be hit harder when the next recession arrives.
By Richard Lau and Thomas Suh
8 minute read
November 06, 2018 | The American Lawyer
From a GC: Build Better Client Relationships by Doing Basic Work for FreeDon't sweat the small stuff and you'll be well-situated to win the big stuff.
By Noel Elfant
9 minute read
November 05, 2018 | The American Lawyer
For Law Firms, Design Thinking Offers a New Way ForwardDesign thinking is an innovation methodology composed of a series of steps for generating options, testing strategies and getting feedback.
By Ioana Good
5 minute read
November 02, 2018 | The American Lawyer
For Young Lawyers, the Changing Legal Landscape Means OpportunityThe world of legal tech offers a host of alternatives to the tried-and-true realm of Big Law.
By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board
10 minute read
October 28, 2018 | The American Lawyer
Law Firm of the Year Finalists Give a Glimpse of the Industry's FutureWhat does it take for a law firm to excel in today's rapidly evolving legal industry?
By Ben Seal
8 minute read
October 28, 2018 | The American Lawyer
American Lawyer Industry Award Finalists: Innovation, Mentorship and MoreOur finalists represent the entire legal spectrum, from law firms and in-house departments to alternative service providers and legal technology.
By Ben Seal
8 minute read
October 28, 2018 | The American Lawyer
The 2018 American Lawyer Industry AwardsWe profile our Attorney of the Year and Law Firm of the Year finalists, and detail the rest of our awards focused on innovation, mentorship and more.
By Ben Seal
2 minute read
October 25, 2018 |
Niche Practices Make Midsize Firms Must-Haves for ClientsFrom counseling craft breweries to conducting complex investigations, these midsize firms aim to compete by doing what no one else does.
By Ben Seal
6 minute read
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