Ben Wheway

Ben Wheway

Ben joined Legal Week from the Press Association in 2005 and has since held a number of roles including news editor, online managing editor, production editor and bassist in Legal Week's in-house covers band The Scoops.

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November 17, 2017 | International Edition

What in-house lawyers want - should GCs have the power of veto over client partners?

Royal Mail director of legal operations Sarah Barrett-Vane on how the law firm-client relationship is changing

By Legal Week

1 minute read

November 16, 2017 | International Edition

Top 20 Legal IT Innovations 2017: 'Go faster, do more' - Axiom's appetite for disruption

New Axiom CEO Elena Donio on ambitious growth plans and transforming the traditional legal services model

By Dominic Carman

4 minute read

November 15, 2017 | International Edition

Are US firms winning in London? Separating fact from fiction

There is some truth to the narrative that US firms are succeeding in London, but an analysis of the data suggests only a few are doing well

By Nicholas Bruch

6 minute read

November 15, 2017 | International Edition

What are the biggest risks facing general counsel doing business in central and eastern Europe?

Senior in-house lawyers discuss key CEE business risks and the most problematic countries in the region

By Legal Week

2 minute read

November 10, 2017 | International Edition

Top 20 Legal IT Innovations 2017: the artificial intelligence platform shaking up the way law firms work

Luminance CEO Emily Foges on why AI is about making human lawyers more effective - rather than replacing them

By Dominic Carman

4 minute read

November 09, 2017 | International Edition

Top 20 Legal IT Innovations 2017: A&O and Deloitte's MarginMatrix - a mini law firm in your computer

A&O partner David Wakeling explains the firm's digital derivatives compliance system, developed in partnership with Deloitte

By Dominic Carman

4 minute read

November 09, 2017 | International Edition

The merger machine: how Dentons puts the pieces together in tie-ups around the world

This year the world's largest law firm announced deals with three firms on three continents in just three months - but how does it put together these tie-ups so quickly?

By Roy Strom

7 minute read

November 08, 2017 | International Edition

Top 20 Legal IT Innovations 2017: what is driving systemic change in the legal industry?

A score of IT innovators are shaking up and improving the legal sector - this report looks at 20 of the most influential

By James Mayer

2 minute read

November 08, 2017 | International Edition

Paradise lost: what will the latest leaks mean for the offshore legal market?

Will the Paradise Papers leaks spark a regulatory crackdown for offshore law firms?

By Roy Strom

5 minute read

November 06, 2017 | International Edition

The sometimes murky path to partner: newly promoted lawyers on how they made it to the top

How do new partners feel about their path to promotion, their readiness for the job and their future career prospects?

By Katelyn Polantz

8 minute read