Brad S Karp

Brad S Karp

May 25, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Matters of First Impression Relating to Federal Carjacking

On March 31, in 'United States v. Felder', the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit resolved three matters of first impression regarding the mens rea and causation requirements of the federal carjacking statute and joined six other circuits in identifying federal carjacking as a predicate crime of violence. In their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp discuss the case and the court's ruling.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

7 minute read

April 27, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Turning the Tide in Fair Use Jurisprudence

Following sharp criticism by the Seventh Circuit for its broad application of the fair use defense, the Second Circuit's decision in 'Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith' turns the tide of fair use jurisprudence back toward a more even balance between creators of original works.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

7 minute read

April 01, 2021 | The American Lawyer

Paul Weiss Leaders: It's Time for Legal Industry to Fight Voter Suppression Efforts

Paul Weiss chairman Brad Karp and partner Robert Atkins, co-chair of the Brennan Center for Justice, call for law firms to join corporate America in standing up to legislation that may suppress voting rights.

By Brad S. Karp and Robert Atkins

4 minute read

March 23, 2021 | New York Law Journal

'Predominantly Foreign' Securities Claims

In their Second Circuit Review , Martin Flumenbaum and Brad Karp discuss 'Cavello Bay Reinsurance v. Shubin Stein,' an opinion which "continues the Second Circuit's trend of taking a narrow approach to the extraterritorial reach of the federal securities laws."

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

8 minute read

February 23, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Holding the Line on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

In their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad Karp discuss the court's ruling in 'United States v. Ho', which "silenced post-'Hoskins' speculation that the Second Circuit would continue to narrow the scope of FCPA liability."

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

7 minute read

January 26, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Pleading Standards for §1983 Claims Against Government Supervisors

In their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp discuss the decision in 'Tangreti', which offers "much-needed guidance on the pleading standard for §1983 claims against government supervisors."

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

8 minute read

December 22, 2020 | New York Law Journal

U.S. Supreme Court Swiftly Overrules Second Circuit on COVID-19 and Religious Worship

In this edition of their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp compare and contrast the different approaches of the Second Circuit and Supreme Court in 'Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo', and discuss the implications of the Supreme Court's decision.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

8 minute read

November 17, 2020 | New York Law Journal

A Non-Categorical Approach to Federal Restitution

In their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp discuss the court's decision in 'Razzouk', which continues a trend in favor of authorizing restitution by applying a non-categorical approach to the crimes-against-property provision of the MVRA, thereby making restitution contingent on the manner in which the offense was committed rather than on the crime's elements.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

7 minute read

October 27, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Court Affirms Grand Jury Subpoena for President

For the second time in a year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently upheld a 2019 grand jury subpoena duces tecum served on President Donald J. Trump's accounting firm for his financial and tax records, write Second Circuit Review columnists Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

9 minute read

September 21, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Second Circuit Review: The Second Circuit in the Supreme Court

In their Second Circuit Review column. Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp review of the performance of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit during the past term.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

12 minute read