December 05, 2006 |
Will Lawyers Flip for Adobe Acrobat 8?Adobe Acrobat version 8 promises features with direct appeal for the legal community. Brett Burney, legal practice support coordinator at Thompson Hine in Cleveland, offers a special screening of the new software. He pays special attention to its new built-in redaction and Bates numbering tools. Adobe seems ready to deliver an upgraded product that will make a perfect partner for any legal practitioner. Burney reports on how well the new Acrobat will perform for a demanding crowd.
By Brett Burney
7 minute read
February 11, 2010 | Legaltech News
Open Source Routers Are Worth ConsideringOpen source operating systems have successfully spread to various nooks and crannies of technology, powering servers all over the internet, including routers. Consultant Brett Burney looks at the benefits offered by an open source router, in addition to its usually lower cost.
By Brett Burney
7 minute read
June 08, 2007 | Legaltech News
Time for Lawyers to Collaborate in Real TimeReal-time document collaboration can save time and show clients that you're spending their money wisely, writes attorney Brett Burney. It allows multiple people to simultaneously view and edit documents online and puts everyone "on the same page" at the same time. Burney discusses options for real-time collaboration like Google Docs.
By Brett Burney
5 minute read
August 05, 2009 |
Review: Averatec All-in-OneWhen considering a new law office computer, function usually wins over style. Luckily, according to consultant Brett Burney, the All-In-One desktop computer line from Averatec offers the best of both worlds when it comes to a functional PC that looks sleek and marvelous sitting on a desk.
By Brett Burney
6 minute read
December 11, 2001 |
Cool Relief for Hot LapsIf laptops are supposed to be used on your lap, why, laments Brett Burney, do we risk a second-degree burn on our legs when using one? While some of today's laptop PCs are better at heat dissipation than earlier models, they still generate a lot of heat in everyday use. But Burney has found a product, appropriately called the "CoolPad," to save your blistering thighs and make laptop use more enjoyable.
By Brett Burney
5 minute read
September 19, 2006 | Legaltech News
Adobe Acrobat Updates Likely to Lure LawyersAnother chapter in Adobe Acrobat's history opened Monday, including juicy plot points that might tantalize the legal profession. Adobe Acrobat 8 features built-in redaction and Bates numbering tools; Acrobat Connect is a nifty, Flash-based collaboration program.
By Brett Burney
6 minute read
January 11, 2010 | Legaltech News
iBlaze 3.0 Goes NativeiBlaze 3.0 brings much-needed updates to address the tempestuous world of e-discovery, according to consultant Brett Burney. A new native-file viewer is the best indication that CT Summation continues to adapt iBlaze to handle electronic files it wasn't originally designed to handle.
By Brett Burney
11 minute read
March 28, 2006 | Legaltech News
Don't Be a Victim of KeyloggingIt seems like every time you click your mouse there's another computer security threat. But a lot of people put off defending themselves because they're intimidated by their computers' complexity. The good news about columnist Brett Burney's topic -- keylogging -- is that it's easier to grasp than how a virus works. And the bad news? It's at least as scary and dangerous. After all, keyloggers can track everything you type, from work correspondence to credit card numbers. Find out how to thwart the threat.
By Brett Burney
7 minute read
July 20, 2005 | Legaltech News
Keep Those Windows CleanAs much as Microsoft Windows dominates personal computing, there are plenty of people pushing it to do more with utility programs. If Windows seems lacking -- and it often does, according to some people -- astute programmers step in to create code that can do the job at hand. Columnist Brett Burney offers his favorite tools for shining up the ol' operating system for optimal performance.
By Brett Burney
6 minute read
March 27, 2007 | Legaltech News
The Verdict's In on ABA TECHSHOWThe 21st annual ABA TECHSHOW in Chicago demonstrated how the world of technology continues to transform the staid practice of law. Writer Brett Burney fills you in on what you missed, from the keynote address on e-discovery to top tips, hot sites and some brand-new events.
By Brett Burney
5 minute read
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