Bruce D Collins

Bruce D Collins

May 31, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

A Click Away

Non-profit Web sites raise questions about political entanglements.

By Bruce D. Collins

8 minute read

April 30, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

Word Wars

MacDowell Colony lawsuit leaves non-profit attorneys scrambling to keep language intact.

By Bruce D. Collins

4 minute read

March 31, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

Web Evolution

Office of Exempt Organizations' new Web site takes a stab at engaging lawyers.

By Bruce D. Collins

4 minute read

February 28, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

Passive Pressure

Most of us recognize passive-aggressive behavior. As you're making good time on the interstate and you hear from the passenger seat, "Honey, would you like to stop?" you know it is not a question. Woe unto him who answers, "no," and keeps driving. An hour and perhaps 70 miles later...

By Bruce D. Collins

7 minute read

January 31, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

Boardroom Lessons

Non-profit board members need to understand the gravity of their positions.

By Bruce D. Collins

4 minute read

December 31, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

Freedom to Preach

Elections, God and the IRS--the politics of tax exemption.

By Bruce D. Collins

9 minute read

November 30, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

Through the Mud

Senate exposes the dirty details of non-profits' entanglements with Abramoff.

By Bruce D. Collins

7 minute read

October 31, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

One-Man Show

Wrinkles in non-profit law create the possibility of one-person board meetings.

By Bruce D. Collins

7 minute read

September 30, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

The Black Hole

Under-funding and inexperience at the IRS stall charitable work.

By Bruce D. Collins

7 minute read

July 31, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

Defenders of Truth

Dedicated public servants take down an uncharitable charity.

By Bruce D. Collins

4 minute read