Catherine Mcgregor Gll Ambassador

Catherine Mcgregor Gll Ambassador

November 16, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

Follow The Leader – Why Empathy is a Trait that General Counsel Admire and Need

In the aftermath of the US presidential election, the constituent parts of what makes a great leader are, literally, a matter of popular debate. A common…

By Dr Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

9 minute read

October 05, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

Empathy and Complexity - Navigating the Waters of Business and Law

The modern business world is more complex than ever before and the role of in-house lawyers is similarly more multi-faceted than just being 'the lawyer'.…

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

9 minute read

June 12, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

Technology and Law: Coming Together To Solve Big Business Problems

There's an interesting and somewhat under-represented area for growth where technology and legal expertise come together to solve big business problems. In this equation, technology is not simply replacing legal talent, but rather supplementing it or taking it in new directions, which have not previously been considered. But why is this not currently a greater area of focus?

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

7 minute read

June 05, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

A New Roadmap for Technology and Law

Is it time to let our imagination run riot with the potential for solutions to address big business problems that could be solved through law and technology?…

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

5 minute read

April 28, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

Global Perspectives: An Interview with Jennifer Bowers, Legal Director at Ascential

Jennifer Bowers is currently Legal Director at Ascential. She credits the cross-cultural perspectives gained through her formative experiences as a young lawyer, working and living abroad, as fundamental in defining her subsequent in-house legal roles at global companies.

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

7 minute read

April 28, 2020 | Global Leaders in Law

Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable

Alexis Alexander, General Counsel of Liberis Group, shares with GLL Ambassador, Catherine McGregor, the roller coaster ride that starting the legal function at a high growth fintech business provides and what her key lessons from doing so have been.

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

9 minute read

July 09, 2019 | Global Leaders in Law

Smashing the System: A New Breed of In-house Lawyer

Rupa Patel is a female general counsel who has developed a successful career through several exciting general counsel roles, often as the first lawyer…

By Dr. Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

13 minute read

June 03, 2019 | Global Leaders in Law

Working Outside of Your Comfort Zone

It takes a particular mindset – and skillset – to be comfortable as the sole group legal counsel in a multi-billion dollar company, but for First…

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

13 minute read

May 14, 2019 | Global Leaders in Law

Blockchain: The Purest Merging of Law and Technology

Blockchain was described by Neal Cohen, Director of Privacy at fintech startup Onfido and also Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Carr Center…

By Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

24 minute read

April 02, 2019 | Global Leaders in Law

A Call To Arms: Innovative Legal Tech Requires Innovative Funding

Remember back, if you can, to when Google was just a name, not a verb; when Amazon only sold books and Facebook was only a social network. For all of these…

By Ed Walker, GLL Member and Catherine McGregor, GLL Ambassador

10 minute read

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