Cedra Mayfield

Cedra Mayfield

Cedra Mayfield is a litigation reporter with the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. She can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @cedramayfield

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July 14, 2021 | Daily Report Online

'A Dangerous Precedent'? Eleventh Circuit Tosses Lawsuit to Lift CDC's Eviction Moratorium

"The court's decision sets a dangerous precedent about what an administrative agency can get away with when it utters the word 'emergency,'" said Caleb Kruckenberg, New Civil Liberties Alliance litigation counsel.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

July 14, 2021 | Daily Report Online

State Farm Case Illustrates Changing Expectations Around Remote Work, ADA Rules, Labor Discrimination

"Post-COVID, employers will have a more difficult time denying accommodations," said attorney Matthew Dietz.

By Cedra Mayfield

5 minute read

July 14, 2021 | Daily Report Online

'Political Witch Hunt': Lin Wood's Attorney Says Court Snafu Hindered Pro-Trump Lawyer's Challenge of Georgia Bar

"The clerk for some unexplained reason assigned it a new or different case number," said Wood's attorney, Ibrahim Reyes of Reyes Lawyers.

By Cedra Mayfield

3 minute read

July 12, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Gone at 54: Connecticut Lawyers Mourn Death of Former CBA President Ralph Monaco

"He was the person that other lawyers looked to when they needed advice whether for a case, their job, or life," said Shipman & Goodwin partner Daniel A. Schwartz.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

July 09, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Plaintiff Alleges Radiation Exposure From Nissan Leaf Caused Eye Dilation, Chest Palpitations, Memory Loss

"While the car is in use, a person sits on a giant battery and the vehicle emits large amounts of low frequency electric and magnetic field (EMF) radiation," the complaint alleged.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

July 08, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Snuffed: Georgia Lawyers Can't Advise Clients on Cannabis Businesses After Supreme Court Denies Rule Change

"It's sort of this snake that keeps eating its own tail," said criminal defense attorney Michael Bixon of Bixon Law in Atlanta. "It's hard to see the Feds changing their position without the states changing their position."

By Cedra Mayfield

3 minute read

July 07, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Georgia Attorney of 49 Years Disbarred Over Unpaid Bar Dues, History of Ethics Violations

"One of the clients filed a pro se request for a continuance," the decision read. "[The attorney] was not responding to her and failed to provide her with documents and information to prepare for trial."

By Cedra Mayfield

3 minute read

July 07, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Bar Exam at 73? For a Second Shot at Career in Law, Senior Attorney Must Pass Admittance Test Again

Unlike the other would-be lawyers, the attorney had practiced law for 45 years.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

July 06, 2021 | Daily Report Online

IP Lawyers Weigh in on Why Copyright Suit Against Netflix's 'Skater Girl' is Likely to Face-Plant

"In copyrighted infringement, you've always got to look at the dichotomy, if you will, between the idea that's being expressed and the expression of that idea," said an intellectual property attorney unaffiliated with the litigation.

By Cedra Mayfield

5 minute read

July 02, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Know Your Bar: New Leadership, Fresh Campaign to Benefit State Bar of Georgia Members

"Regardless of the entity you work for—public or private sector—this program can have benefits for you," said bar president Elizabeth Fite. "At a minimum, you may know someone in the legal community who could use this resource."

By Cedra Mayfield

3 minute read