Cedra Mayfield

Cedra Mayfield

Cedra Mayfield is a litigation reporter with the Daily Report, the ALM newspaper in Atlanta. She can be reached at [email protected]. Twitter: @cedramayfield

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January 11, 2024 | Daily Report Online

'You Do Not Get to Go to a Jury': A Passenger's Fall Reaches the High Court

When the Georgia Court of Appeals reversed the ruling in December 2022, justices opted to grant writ of certiorari.

By Cedra Mayfield

6 minute read

January 10, 2024 | Daily Report Online

This Judge Wants to Rise to State Court: Atlanta Jurist Announces Candidacy

The Atlanta Municipal Court judge announced her intent to run for election to the State Court of Fulton County in the May 21 nonpartisan primary.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

January 09, 2024 | Daily Report Online

Amid Scrutiny Over Potential Conflicts of Interest, JNC Sheds Light on Judicial Nominations

"When an applicant has a close connection with a JNC member, that relationship is disclosed to the JNC members and the member in question does not participate in the JNC's consideration of the applicant," said Vincent Russo, co-chair of the Judicial Nominating Commission of Georgia.

By Cedra Mayfield

6 minute read

January 08, 2024 | Daily Report Online

More Judges, Less Diversity: 92% of Kemp's 2023 Judicial Appointments Are White

Minorities accounted for 8% of state court or higher judicial appointments made by Gov. Brian Kemp in 2023. That's down from 30% in 2022.

By Cedra Mayfield

7 minute read

January 05, 2024 | Daily Report Online

White and Male: Men Account for 68% of Georgia's Judicial Appointments

After being reelected to a second term, Gov. Brian Kemp appointed more than two-dozen judges to Georgia state, superior and appellate courts in 2023.

By Cedra Mayfield

1 minute read

January 04, 2024 | Daily Report Online

'They Sued Her to Make an Example': Employer's Stay-or-Pay Clause Under Fire

"They sued her for $820,000 which is nearly four times what she made as a part-time worker," said Dax Lopez of DelCampo Grayson Lopez in Dunwoody. "They sued her, I think, more so to make her an example to other doctors trying to leave."

By Cedra Mayfield

6 minute read

January 03, 2024 | Daily Report Online

New Judge Outlines How Lawyers Can Avoid Becoming 'a Point of Frustration'

"His decisions will be informed by his experience meeting with the families of murder victims, preparing children to testify against their abuser, and working late hours and weekends to be as prepared as possible to step into a judge's courtroom to fight for justice for the members of our community," a former colleague said.

By Cedra Mayfield

3 minute read

January 02, 2024 | Daily Report Online

Meet the New Judge: DA-Turned-Jurist Is 'Not Afraid to Ask Questions'

"I hope to educate myself on any issue that may come before the court prior to a hearing," Samir J. Patel said. "In turn, I would expect the same from the lawyers that litigate a matter on behalf of their clients."

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

December 29, 2023 | Daily Report Online

Judge Wants Ethics Charges Against Her Dismissed—But the JQC Is Pushing Back

"[B]ecause the Respondent has not demonstrated that Rules 1.2, 1.3, and 3.1 of the Code are unconstitutionally vague or overbroad, facially or as applied to her, the Director requests that the Hearing Panel deny the Respondent's Motion," read Judicial Qualifications Commission of Georgia Director Courtney Veal's opposition brief.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read

December 28, 2023 | Daily Report Online

With Days Left in 2023, Kemp Appoints 3 Judges

Gov. Brian Kemp has appointed a solicitor general, district attorney and state representative to fill superior court vacancies in the Atlantic, Appalachian and Columbia judicial circuits.

By Cedra Mayfield

4 minute read