Charles Toutant

Charles Toutant

Charles Toutant is a litigation writer for the New Jersey Law Journal.

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June 17, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

Recipe for Conflict: Representing the Defendant as Well as the Victims

A federal judge in Camden disqualified a New York lawyer Wednesday from representing a defendant in a fraud and money-laundering case because he had also been retained in a related matter by three of the defendant's victims.

By Charles Toutant

3 minute read

February 02, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Defense Can't Withhold Video Evidence Until Plaintiff Is Deposed, Judge Rules

A defendant in a premises-liability case can't delay releasing a security camera video until after the plaintiffs' deposition on the theory that it might color their testimony about the accident, an Atlantic County judge says.

By Charles Toutant

3 minute read

April 11, 2011 | Legaltech News

N.J. Bar Secretary Candidates Skirmish Over Use of E-Mail, Listservs

In the election for the New Jersey Bar Association secretary, two candidates are tussling over the use of State Bar e-mail systems for communications purposes. Association trustees voted last month to continue a prohibition on using its listservs for electioneering. It also agreed to create a special listserv to provide a forum for election issues.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

April 23, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal

Paintball-Shooting Toll Collector Can Go Back To Work, Court Says

New Jersey's highest court rules that there is no public policy reason against rehiring a Garden State Parkway toll-taker who fired a paintball gun at a vehicle in a fit of road rage.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

April 17, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Child Advocate Need Not Be Lawyer

Gov. Jon Corzine, who is searching for a new child advocate, signs a law that drops the requirement that a lawyer be in charge of the agency, so long as the first assistant child advocate - now a statutory post - is an attorney.

By Charles Toutant

3 minute read

November 23, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Former Prosecutor Pleads Not Guilty to Expanded Criminal-Syndicate Charges

Paul Bergrin, a Newark criminal defense lawyer accused of being at the center of a criminal enterprise, pleaded not guilty in federal court on Monday to a raft of charges that include murder and drug trafficking.

By Charles Toutant

4 minute read

July 07, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Disbarment Sought for Law Firm Partner Who Secreted $50,000 Payment

A special master has recommended disbarment for former Budd Larner managing partner David Gross for pocketing $50,000 from a client instead of depositing the money into a firm account.

By Charles Toutant

6 minute read

November 13, 2003 |

New Jersey's Gay Marriage Bar May Pave Way for Civil Union Law

A recent ruling against same-sex couples marrying in New Jersey may give impetus to legislative creation of a new status of domestic partnership. Not only did the judge put the matter squarely in the hand of the Legislature, she gave lawmakers a blueprint for the type of civil-status law that would be accorded full faith and credit nationwide. And while gay marriage cases are proceeding in other states, a court-watcher says New Jersey was a well-chosen forum for a test case.

By Charles Toutant

7 minute read

December 29, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Malpractice Case With a Twist Alleges Tax Lawyer Fouled IP Deal on Pretzels

A suit by former clients, the owners of a pretzel business, say their tax and estate lawyer's inexperience in intellectual property matters cost them lots of dough — $100 million's worth.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read

August 20, 2010 |

Reminding Clients of Fiduciary Duty, Court Upholds Dismissal of Malpractice Suit Against Sills Cummis

Warning clients of their own duty to read critical documents, a New Jersey appeals court held Wednesday that a malpractice suit over Sills, Cummis & Gross' drafting of a bank merger agreement was time-barred and meritless. The panel found that the plaintiffs, four directors of the former West Jersey Community Bank, were experienced in the world of banking and failed to follow their lawyers' advice to look over the agreement.

By Charles Toutant

5 minute read