Cheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller, based in Sacramento, covers the state legislature and emerging industries, including autonomous vehicles and marijuana. She authors the weekly cannabis newsletter Higher Law. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @CapitalAccounts

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August 08, 2014 | The Recorder

Lawmakers Test Win on Drone Regulations. Plus: Privacy Czar for UC.

Celebrities, cops, aviation industry all have a dog in this fight.

By Cheryl Miller

5 minute read

August 07, 2014 | The Recorder

Ninth Circuit Takes Tough Stance on Loss Causation

The announcement of an internal investigation, on its own, is not enough for a viable securities fraud claim, the appeals court ruled.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

August 06, 2014 | The Recorder

Uber Targets Lawmaker Behind Insurance Bill

In an unusual move, the company is sending mailers to voters in Susan Bonilla's district saying she's antitech and anticonsumer.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

August 04, 2014 | The Recorder

LinkedIn Pays $5.8 Million for Overtime Violations

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read

August 01, 2014 | The Recorder

Toting Up Uber's Lobbying Tab. Plus: Lawmaker-Mediators.

The transportation network company was busy pressing its case with the PUC and lawmakers in the last quarter, though it arguably hasn't accomplished much yet.

By Cheryl Miller

5 minute read

July 18, 2014 | The Recorder

Holden Elected State Bar President

Craig Holden, who cochairs the commercial litigation practice at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, ran unopposed.

By Cheryl Miller

1 minute read

July 18, 2014 | The Recorder

State Unwinds Law to Penalize Jurors. Plus, Engine Staffs Up.

Judges complained that making some jury misconduct, such as Googling case details, a misdemeanor just made it more complicated to handle.

By Cheryl Miller

4 minute read

July 16, 2014 | The Recorder

Three Judges Named to Fill Santa Clara Vacancies

Those appointments and one in Contra Costa County were among 10 throughout the state announced Wednesday.

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read

July 15, 2014 | The Recorder

Boosters Line Up for Brown's Appeal Court Picks

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

July 11, 2014 | The Recorder

Former Pension Fund Chief Pleads Guilty to Corruption, Fraud Charges

Federico "Fred" Buenrostro Jr. admitted he used his role to place billions of dollars in investments through onetime CalPERS board member Alfred Villalobos.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read