Cheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller, based in Sacramento, covers the state legislature and emerging industries, including autonomous vehicles and marijuana. She authors the weekly cannabis newsletter Higher Law. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @CapitalAccounts

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February 10, 2010 | The Recorder

Judge Faces Discipline Over Small Claims Case

Joseph O'Flaherty, a Placer County judge, said he was trying to do the right thing when he told a litigant to stay away from a bank branch.

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read

August 11, 2008 |

Judge Backs Calif. AG in Tussle Over Ballot Initiative on Gay Marriage

The authors of Proposition 8, the November initiative to ban gay marriage in California, said Friday that they would ask a state appellate court to scrub the California attorney general's controversial ballot description of their measure after a trial court judge refused to do so. The planned last-minute appeal followed a Sacramento judge's ruling Friday morning that left Attorney General Jerry Brown's language untouched while making minor changes to the Yes on 8 campaign's ballot arguments.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

March 03, 2011 | The Recorder

John Affeldt and Tara Kini, Public Advocates

The nonprofit duo stopped school districts from assigning teaching interns to poor and minority neighborhoods and claiming they were "highly qualified teachers."

By Cheryl Miller

4 minute read

March 08, 2011 | The Recorder

CASE Lawyers Reach Labor Pact

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read

April 26, 2007 |

Tort Reformers: State Is Plaintiff Haven

A pro-business group's annual survey of GCs puts California among least fair venues. The survey comes amid a new push for tort reform in the state Legislature.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

April 18, 2006 |

Chevron Puts Money Where Its MTBE Is

The oil refiner has pumped $1.5 million into an initiative that would ban punitive damages against defendants whose products � like the fuel additive linked to environmental contamination � complied with state or federal regulations.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

May 15, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

In California, Chevron, Reformers Drop Anti-Punitives Initiative

Chevron Corp. and its tort-reformer allies on Wednesday withdrew a proposed California ballot initiative that would have blocked plaintiffs from collecting punitive damages in some product liability cases.

By Cheryl Miller ALM

3 minute read

August 22, 2006 | The Recorder

Deal Is Near on Court Facilities

Dave Jones, a Sacramento Democrat, is said to be crafting a compromise that would let counties with seismically unsafe courthouses hand them off to the state. That could kick off a statewide building boom.

By Cheryl Miller

3 minute read

June 16, 2011 | The Recorder

Veto Comes as a Relief to Courts, But Will It Last?

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read

May 24, 2007 |

Calif. Bill Would Keep Worker Fights In-State

It hasn't grabbed headlines like healthcare reform and global warming, but a bill that could have a potentially profound impact on workers, employers and their attorneys is quietly sailing through California's Legislature. Assembly Bill 1043 would bar so-called choice-of-law clauses as a term of employment in California. Employers wouldn't be allowed to rescind job offers to would-be employees who don't agree to resolve any future employment disputes outside of California or under another state's laws.

By Cheryl Miller

2 minute read