Christine Simmons writes about the New York legal community and the business of law. Email her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @chlsimmons
October 07, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Proskauer Creates Full-Time Pro Bono Partner PositionProskauer Rose has tapped William Silverman to head the firm's pro bono efforts. Silverman, who is leaving Greenberg Traurig, will be the first partner-level lawyer to lead Proskauer's pro bono practice on a full-time basis.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 06, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Proskauer Creates Full-Time Pro Bono Partner PositionProskauer Rose has tapped William Silverman to head the firm's pro bono efforts. Silverman, who is leaving Greenberg Traurig, will be the first partner-level lawyer to lead Proskauer's pro bono practice on a full-time basis.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 06, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Dewey Jurors Ask for Testimony ReadbackJurors in the criminal case against Dewey & LeBoeuf leaders on Monday considered the testimony of a key witness relating to accounting adjustments.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 06, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Bryan Cave, Day Pitney Appoint Managing PartnersSteven Stimell, a former co-leader of Bryan Cave's labor and employment practice group, will succeed Vincent Alfieri as managing partner for the firm's 130-attorney New York office, while Ellen Knarr will lead Day Pitney's New York office, succeeding Sabino "Rod" Rodriguez.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 06, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Bryan Cave, Day Pitney Appoint Managing PartnersSteven Stimell, a former co-leader of Bryan Cave's labor and employment practice group, will succeed Vincent Alfieri as managing partner for the firm's 130-attorney New York office, while Ellen Knarr will lead Day Pitney's New York office, succeeding Sabino "Rod" Rodriguez.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 05, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Dewey Jurors Ask for Testimony ReadbackJurors in the criminal case against Dewey & LeBoeuf leaders on Monday considered the testimony of a key witness relating to accounting adjustments.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 05, 2015 | The American Lawyer
Dewey & LeBoeuf Jurors Seek More Witness TestimonyJurors in the criminal case against three former Dewey & LeBoeuf leaders considered Monday a key witness's testimony relating to accounting adjustments at the now-defunct Am Law 100 firm.
By Christine Simmons
3 minute read
October 05, 2015 | The American Lawyer
Dewey & LeBoeuf Jurors Seek More Witness TestimonyJurors in the criminal case against three former Dewey & LeBoeuf leaders considered Monday a key witness's testimony relating to accounting adjustments at the now-defunct Am Law 100 firm.
By Christine Simmons
3 minute read
October 05, 2015 | New York Law Journal
IP Boutiques Adjust to Client Use of Patent Office ReviewsThe trend of resolving patent disputes in the government's patent office, which costs a fraction of the price of litigation, has had an uneven effect on intellectual property practices across the country.
By Christine Simmons
8 minute read
October 05, 2015 | New York Law Journal
IP Boutiques Adjust to Client Use of Patent Office ReviewsThe trend of resolving patent disputes in the government's patent office, which costs a fraction of the price of litigation, has had an uneven effect on intellectual property practices across the country.
By Christine Simmons
8 minute read