Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons writes about the New York legal community and the business of law. Email her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @chlsimmons

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August 28, 2015 | New York Law Journal

After 35 Years, Litigation Boutique Kornstein Veisz to Close

Facing an expiring lease and a senior partnership in their 60s, prominent litigation boutique Kornstein Veisz Wexler & Pollard is dissolving and its partners are moving to new firms next week.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

August 28, 2015 | New York Law Journal

After 35 Years, Litigation Boutique Kornstein Veisz to Close

Facing an expiring lease and a senior partnership in their 60s, prominent litigation boutique Kornstein Veisz Wexler & Pollard is dissolving and its partners are moving to new firms next week.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

August 28, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Judge Approves Settlement of Housing Accessibility Suit

Southern District Judge Kimba Wood approved Thursday a $1.3 million settlement agreement in a disability discrimination suit that was based on the design and construction of two residential developments.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

August 27, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Judge Approves Settlement of Housing Accessibility Suit

Southern District Judge Kimba Wood approved Thursday a $1.3 million settlement agreement in a disability discrimination suit that was based on the design and construction of two residential developments.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

August 27, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Witness Covers Accounting Issues at Dewey Fraud Trial

Reaching the home stretch and preparing to rest their case, Manhattan prosecutors in a trial against three former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives called to the stand Wednesday a forensic accounting consultant who testified that multiple accounting adjustments each year lifted net income by tens of millions of dollars.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

August 27, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Southern District Launches Program to Help Young Offenders

Inspired by the success of programs in the Eastern District and across the country, the Southern District has launched a pilot program to provide young adult defendants a chance to have their charges and sentences reduced or dismissed altogether.

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read

August 26, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Witness Covers Accounting Issues at Dewey Fraud Trial

Reaching the home stretch and preparing to rest their case, Manhattan prosecutors in a trial against three former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives called to the stand Wednesday a forensic accounting consultant who testified that multiple accounting adjustments each year lifted net income by tens of millions of dollars.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

August 26, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Southern District Launches Program to Help Young Offenders

Inspired by the success of programs in the Eastern District and across the country, the Southern District has launched a pilot program to provide young adult defendants a chance to have their charges and sentences reduced or dismissed altogether.

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read

August 26, 2015 | The American Lawyer

Jury Hears Conflicting Views of Dewey & LeBoeuf Accounting

As they prepare to rest their case, prosecutors in the criminal trial of three former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives called to the stand a forensic accounting consultant who testified that accounting adjustments each year lifted net income by tens of millions of dollars.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

August 26, 2015 | The American Lawyer

Jury Hears Conflicting Views of Dewey & LeBoeuf Accounting

As they prepare to rest their case, prosecutors in the criminal trial of three former Dewey & LeBoeuf executives called to the stand a forensic accounting consultant who testified that accounting adjustments each year lifted net income by tens of millions of dollars.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read