Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons writes about the New York legal community and the business of law. Email her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @chlsimmons

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February 26, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Actor's Friend Gets Apology, Money to Help Playwrights

The National Enquirer, which, in an "exclusive interview" with David Bar Katz, a close friend of Philip Seymour Hoffman, quoted him saying they were gay lovers and he had seen Hoffman using drugs, has admitted that it was duped and never spoke to Hoffman's friend.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

February 25, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Attorney Sues for His Share of Prior Firm's Assets, Profits

Jonathan Wolfert, who heads Seyfarth Shaw's New York litigation department, has brought suit against his former law partners and their firm, Kaplan Landau, claiming they are obligated to pay his share of assets and profits from their prior firm.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

February 21, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Kasowitz Layoffs Tied to End of Credit Crisis Cases

Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman has laid off about 30 people, including associates, counsel, partners and non-attorney staff, according to a firm attorney close to the situation who said the layoffs were the result of a number of large cases nearing their resolution last year.

By Christine Simmons

3 minute read

February 20, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Mayor Chooses Civil Rights Leader as Chief Counsel

Maya Wiley, who was most recently president of the Center for Social Inclusion, a nonprofit that advocates for policies addressing racial inequality, has been appointed counsel to Mayor Bill de Blasio.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

February 20, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Federal Bankruptcy Judge to Join Global Law Firm

After presiding over the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, former Southern District Bankruptcy Judge James Peck will become co-chairman of Morrison & Foerster's global business-restructuring and insolvency group.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

February 20, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Pro Se Spouse Ordered to Pay Fees for Divorce Trial

A husband who "engaged in obstructionist conduct" that led to a 12-day trial—including several days of cross-examining his wife—has been ordered to pay her attorney fees at trial.

By Christine Simmons

6 minute read

February 19, 2014 |

Bonuses Spread to Associates at Midsize and Small Firms

Associate bonuses are no longer confined to large law firms. Midsize firms and boutiques say they are increasingly using individualized merit pay paired with incentive packages to retain and reward their most talented lawyers.

By Christine Simmons

8 minute read

February 18, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Judge Says New York Wrong Place for 'Big Dig' Lawsuit

Acting Justice Lawrence Marks granted Edwards Wildman Palmer's dismissal motion because the weight of factors in the insurer's legal malpractice suit center in Massachusetts.

By Christine Simmons

2 minute read

February 14, 2014 | New York Law Journal

Tight Controls Boost Profits at NY Firms, Survey Shows

New York-based law firms on average grew their profits per equity partner by 9.5 percent last year, far outpacing the industry average, according to a Citi Private Bank annual survey that credited a mix of moderate revenue growth, fewer equity partners and a tight control of costs for the rise.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

February 11, 2014 | Commercial Litigation Insider

Cleary Sues Insurer Over Loss of Business After Sandy

Cleary Gottlieb, whose main office downtown was closed for about three and a half days after Superstorm Sandy and then continued to be affected by the loss of utilities, claims it lost more than $3 million in business income.

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read