Christine Simmons writes about the New York legal community and the business of law. Email her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @chlsimmons
October 29, 2018 | New York Law Journal
O'Connor Diagnosis Highlights 'Inevitability' of Dementia Among LawyersWhile law firms are still underprepared, some recent initiatives may help prepare them for a world in which lawyers are practicing later and later into old age.
By Christine Simmons
6 minute read
October 29, 2018 |
Justice O'Connor Diagnosis Highlights 'Inevitability' of Dementia Among LawyersWhile law firms are still underprepared, some recent initiatives may help prepare them for a world in which lawyers are practicing later and later into old age.
By Christine Simmons
6 minute read
October 24, 2018 | New York Law Journal
EDNY Health Care Fraud Prosecutor Joins Long Island FirmKenneth Abell, who led health care-related prosecutions for the Eastern District's civil division, said he is the first former federal prosecutor from the office to join 95-attorney firm Abrams Fensterman.
By Christine Simmons
3 minute read
October 24, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Justice O'Connor's Diagnosis Is a Reminder That Lawyers Can't Ignore DementiaAs a rising tide of Alzheimer's and other dementia diagnoses grips aging law firm partnerships, neither firms nor their lawyers have learned how to cope.
By Christine Simmons
19 minute read
October 23, 2018 | The American Lawyer
Justice O'Connor's Diagnosis Is a Reminder That Lawyers Can't Ignore DementiaAs a rising tide of Alzheimer's and other dementia diagnoses grips aging law firm partnerships, neither firms nor their lawyers have learned how to cope.
By Christine Simmons
19 minute read
October 22, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Small-Firm Litigator and Katten Practice Leader Form New Litigation BoutiqueJay Freiberg, who was chair of Katten's New York fiduciary litigation practice, and Howard Elman, formerly of Matalon Shweky Elman, were childhood friends more than three decades ago.
By Christine Simmons
2 minute read
October 22, 2018 | New York Law Journal
SDNY Securities Task Force Chief Heading to Morvillo AbramowitzTim Kasulis supervised a string of major white-collar prosecutions during his tenure in the Southern District.
By Christine Simmons
4 minute read
October 19, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Blank Rome Facing Trial for Legal Malpractice, Attorney Deceit ClaimsLawyers for Kristina Armstrong are seeking $33 million in damages against Blank Rome, arguing the firm failed to disclose its ties to her ex-husband's employer, Morgan Stanley.
By Christine Simmons
5 minute read
October 19, 2018 | Litigation Daily
Blank Rome Facing Trial for $33M Legal Malpractice ClaimLawyers for Kristina Armstrong are seeking $33 million in damages against Blank Rome, arguing the firm failed to disclose its ties to her ex-husband's employer, Morgan Stanley.
By Christine Simmons
5 minute read
October 18, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Midsize Firm Absorbs Prominent Matrimonial BoutiqueFaced with an expiring lease and the desire to undertake some succession planning for younger lawyers, the matrimonial firm's partners began considering all options, including mergers.
By Christine Simmons
4 minute read
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