Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons

Christine Simmons writes about the New York legal community and the business of law. Email her at [email protected] and find her on Twitter @chlsimmons

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March 28, 2013 | Daily Report Online

DLA Piper denies overbilling, gives talking points to lawyers in wake of criticism

DLA Piper responded yesterday to allegations by a former client that internal firm emails obtained through discovery show DLA engaged in fraudulent overbilling.

By Christine Simmons

6 minute read

February 04, 2013 | New York Law Journal

No Growth in Partner Promotions at Many of N.Y.'s Largest Private Law Offices

A glance at promotion figures from the top quarter of New York's largest law offices shows the percentage of New York attorneys making partner holding steady or declining, a trend that legal market observers say is due to a combination of smaller class sizes, diminished legal demand and legal market growth outside the city.

By Christine Simmons

8 minute read

September 17, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Twitter Reluctantly Turns Over Documents of Occupy Protester

Facing the threat of a large fine, Twitter's counsel this morning turned over the tweets and subscriber information of an Occupy Wall Street protester charged with disorderly conduct to a judge who promised not to review them until another judge rules on a stay.

By Christine Simmons

4 minute read

February 13, 2013 |

Pryor Cashman Awarded $2.46 Million in Fees in Billing Dispute With Its Former Client

Justice Melvin Schweitzer found the firm's ex-client, a coal company that raised overbilling complaints, did not timely object to the fees and did not prove damages from alleged conflicts of interest.

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read

August 21, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Court Rejects Cultural Explanation for Discovery Neglect

A federal judge has imposed sanctions on a Brazilian businessman, rejecting his attorneys' arguments that cultural differences and a language barrier contributed to missed discovery deadlines.

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read

August 22, 2013 |

Court Rejects Cultural Explanation for Discovery Neglect

A federal judge has imposed sanctions on a Brazilian businessman, rejecting his attorneys' arguments that cultural differences and a language barrier contributed to missed discovery deadlines, which the judge called "entirely inexcusable."

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read

April 30, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Wage-and-Hour Lawsuits Surge in New York Federal Courts

The largest increases in the state are found in the Eastern District, with a 916 percent leap from the number of filings in fiscal year 2003, and the Southern District, with a 626 percent surge and the third-highest number of Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuits filed nationwide.

By Christine Simmons

8 minute read

March 14, 2012 |

Company Loses Bid to Sue Competitor Over Assignment of Same Legal Fee

The dispute stems from separate arrangements both companies made with now disbarred attorney Marc A. Bernstein, who assigned each the right to fees from the same case in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

By Christine Simmons

7 minute read

March 26, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Judge Picks N.Y. Over Florida to Host E-Commerce Litigation

Nassau County District Court Judge Michael A. Ciaffa acknowledged that an online merchant can condition its sales upon a mandatory forum selection provision, but that the sales terms that purportedly required a Florida venue in this case were too deeply "submerged" in the website to create an obligation.

By Christine Simmons

6 minute read

August 29, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Attorney Must Pay for Delays 'He Alone' Caused, Judge Says

Northern District Judge Gary Sharpe agreed with attorney Jonathan Fairbanks that dismissal of his client's wrongful death suit against the federal government would be "too harsh," but said Fairbanks should reimburse the government for the expenses it incurs as a result of his "disregard for the discovery schedule."

By Christine Simmons

5 minute read