February 16, 2022 | Daily Business Review
Stunning Fall for Ex-Honduran President Wanted in USU.S. prosecutors have accused former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández in recent years of funding his political rise with profits from drug traffickers in exchange for protecting their shipments.
By Marlon Gonzalez and Christopher Sherman
5 minute read
September 09, 2019 | Daily Business Review
Hondurans Feel Fate of Their Unpopular President Lies in USU.S. prosecutors say Juan Orlando Hernández took $1.5 million in drug-trafficking proceeds for his campaign to win the presidency in 2013.
By Christopher Sherman
8 minute read
September 06, 2019 | Daily Business Review
Mexican Official Declares Success in Slowing Migrant FlowMexico's foreign secretary said he believed its strategy of cracking down on illegal migration, investment in Central America and allowing the U.S. to make more asylum seekers wait in Mexico was enough to avert American tariffs on all Mexican imports.
By Maria Verza and Christopher Sherman
5 minute read
January 06, 2017 | Daily Business Review
Mexican Ford Plant Workers Blame Trump for Dashed DreamsWord spread quickly through cellphone messages and shouts between co-workers that Ford Motor Co. had canceled its new $1.6 billion car plant at its sprawling 700-acre high desert site in north-central Mexico.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
12 minute read
August 16, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Mexican Police, Troops Hunt for Group Abducted in ResortPolice and troops are searching for 10 to 12 suspected gang members who were abducted in a shocking raid by gunmen on an apparent celebration at an upscale restaurant in the popular beach resort of Puerto Vallarta.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
5 minute read
July 01, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Amnesty Int'l Says Mexican Women Victims of Sexual TortureThe human rights group Amnesty International, in a report released early Tuesday, said that in interviews with 100 incarcerated Mexican women, 72 reported sexual torture during their arrests. Ninety-seven had been beaten or received some kind of physical abuse. All 100 reported at least harassment or psychological abuse.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
8 minute read
June 21, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Open Trials Come to Mexico After Yearslong Justice ReformsIt would have seemed routine in many places: A defendant accused of illegally possessing a gun sat across a gleaming courtroom from the judge who accepted his guilty plea and would pronounce his sentence. For Mexico, though, it was a remarkable change from a century-old judicial system of paper-shuffling court cases in which defendants rarely actually testified before the judge ruling on their fate from within a cramped, bureaucrat's office. As of Saturday, the open, oral trial will be the norm nationwide as part of a sweeping judicial reform.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
8 minute read
June 06, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Mexico's Dominant PRI a Contender Even in Struggling StatesIt looked like party time in Veracruz. Women in feathered bikinis gyrated to bouncy dance music praising the ruling party. A bused-in crowd of voters milled beneath a tent covering a full city block, waiting to celebrate the man who, if 87 years of history held true, had a strong shot at becoming the next governor.
By Christopher Sherman Associated Press
10 minute read
March 08, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Team for Mexican Drug Lord 'El Chapo' Launches PR BlitzThe once-secretive Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has launched a public relations blitz, calling on his lawyers and even his common-law wife to keep his name in the news.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
5 minute read
January 28, 2016 | Daily Business Review
Immigration at Center of Pope's Visit to Mexico-US BorderImmigration has been a hot-button campaign issue particularly among Republican hopefuls such as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, who have taken an increasingly hard line with Trump vowing to deport the more than 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally and Cruz aiming to end birthright citizenship for their U.S.-born children. It is also an issue close to Francis' heart, and while analysts doubt he will wade too blatantly into the political thicket, his very presence along the border speaking on the issue will turn heads.
By Christopher Sherman, Associated Press
6 minute read