Cogan Schneier

Cogan Schneier

Cogan Schneier is a Washington, D.C.-based litigation reporter covering D.C. courts, national litigation trends, the Justice Department and the federal judiciary. She is the author of Trump Watch, an email briefing that covers the Trump administration and its imprint on the law.

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January 31, 2018 | National Law Journal

On Eve of Super Bowl, Food Distributors Declare War on Chicken Wing Producers

US Foods and Sysco sued major chicken producers in federal court in Illinois on Tuesday.

By Cogan Schneier |

3 minute read

January 30, 2018 | National Law Journal

How #ReleaseTheMemo Could Undermine DOJ in FOIA Cases

If the president authorizes the release of a House memo about the FBI, some plaintiffs suing for Justice Department records could get a boost.

By Cogan Schneier |

4 minute read

January 29, 2018 | National Law Journal

If Rosenstein Goes, Here's Who Takes Over the Trump-Russia Investigation

In recent weeks, Rosenstein has faced criticism from House Republicans and the president.

By Cogan Schneier |

4 minute read

January 26, 2018 |

Trump Watch: The Wackiest Week in Trump-Mueller History

This week brought a series of reports on the progress of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Here's what we know—and what we don't.

By Cogan Schneier |

6 minute read

January 25, 2018 | National Law Journal

4 Key Quotes From Judge Who May OK Trump Emoluments Suit

Over the course of oral arguments that lasted nearly six hours, a federal judge in Maryland appeared likely to allow an emoluments lawsuit against President Donald Trump survive a motion to dismiss.

By Cogan Schneier |

5 minute read

January 24, 2018 | National Law Journal

After Defeat in New York, State AGs Are Next to Test Emoluments Challenge

Observers argue that state attorneys general are the only litigants who can plausibly claim standing in lawsuits over the constitutionality of President Donald Trump's ongoing ownership of his vast business holdings.

By Cogan Schneier |

5 minute read

January 24, 2018 | The Recorder

DOJ Memo Urges Government Lawyers to Dismiss 'Meritless' FCA Cases

One lawyer who represents qui tam relators said the memo represents a major "sea change" in how the agency handles FCA cases.

By Cogan Schneier |

7 minute read

January 24, 2018 | National Law Journal

DOJ Memo Urges Government Lawyers to Dismiss 'Meritless' FCA Cases

One lawyer who represents qui tam relators said the memo represents a major "sea change" in how the agency handles FCA cases.

By Cogan Schneier |

6 minute read

January 23, 2018 | National Law Journal

Who Is Zack Harmon, New Chief of Staff to FBI Director Wray?

Harmon and FBI Director Christopher Wray worked together for years at the firm King & Spalding.

By Cogan Schneier |

3 minute read

January 22, 2018 | National Law Journal

Lawsuits Claim State Dept. Illegally Discriminates Against Same-Sex Couples' Children

Plaintiffs on both coasts claim their children were denied citizenship because their parents are in a same-sex marriage.

By Cogan Schneier |

4 minute read