Committee On Judicial Ethic

Committee On Judicial Ethic

August 13, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-216

An administrative judge may not organize quarterly community volunteer opportunities for the judiciary and non-judicial staff.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

5 minute read

August 12, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-215

Where a judge's personal legal matter completely terminated in August 2023, including payment of legal fees, the two-year disqualification period runs until August 2025.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

2 minute read

August 11, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-214

A full-time judge who has co-authored a screenplay on a topic unrelated to the law may not use the judge's judicial title to solicit agents and movie producers for the screenplay, and should likewise instruct the judge's co-authors not to use the judge's judicial title in promoting the screenplay.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

4 minute read

August 08, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-213

A judge may serve on the board of a not-for-profit organization dedicated to maintaining a local park and providing educational and cultural programs for the community.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

2 minute read

August 07, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-212

(1) A part-time judge may serve on the legislative committee of a lawyers' association, provided its agenda and activities are limited to improvement of the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice. (2) A town justice who previously provided legal services to the town must disqualify in all matters in which the town is a party for a period of two years from the termination of the representation. The disqualification is subject to remittal.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

6 minute read

August 06, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-211

A town justice may not permit his/her attorney assistant to accept part-time employment in the District Attorney's office in the same county.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

4 minute read

August 05, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-210

A judge may, subject to administrative approval, designate a publicly available folder in the court clerk's office to contain duplicate copies of the court's non-sealed written criminal decisions in chronological order.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

3 minute read

August 04, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-209

A judge may sign a family tree affidavit for the estate of the judge's long-time close friend, based upon facts within the judge's personal knowledge.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

2 minute read

August 01, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-208

Where a retired judge's former law clerk worked for the inquiring judge in a limited capacity for four months before returning to private practice, the judge need not disclose or disqualify in matters involving the retired judge's former law clerk. The judge may also appoint the former law clerk as attorney for the child.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

4 minute read

July 31, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 23-207

1) A part-time judge who is a private investigator (a) may conduct surveillance and write reports for school districts in another county concerning extended sick leave employees, but (b) may not conduct investigations for a college regarding allegations of sexual harassment/assault. (2) A part-time judge may, as an instructor for a private company, present training to law enforcement regarding implicit bias and other types of biases.

By Committee on Judicial Ethics

7 minute read