June 08, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Napping While Black: Policing Northern Color Lines in the Modern DayRecent incidents have revealed ways white people—often specifically white women—are still using the law to maintain white dominance in the northern states.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
1 minute read
May 25, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Excelsior: Fondly Remembering the Late Tom UllmannThe members of the editorial board were shocked and deeply saddened to hear that a beloved member, Thomas J. Ullmann, died in a hiking accident on April 13, 2018, in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
4 minute read
May 15, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
State Legislature Finally Passes Revised Uniform Arbitration ActWith the increasing use of arbitration as a means of resolving disputes throughout the state and at the federal level, this is a positive step toward revising and modernizing arbitration procedures.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 30, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
MCLEs in Connecticut: Better Late Than NeverThe Superior Court Rules Committee adopted MCLE in June 2016 to be effective Jan. 1, 2017, and its implementation in the intervening year has demonstrated unequivocally that the fear of—and opposition to—MCLE was completely unwarranted.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 06, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Examining Judiciary Committee's Examination of Justice Andrew McDonaldThe nomination of Justice Andrew McDonald to become our state Supreme Court's next chief justice has caused quite the legislative stir.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
3 minute read
March 06, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Standing Up for Another Appropriate Supreme Court AppointmentAn independent judiciary is paramount to a free society. We call on our legislators, once again, to approve the nomination of Justice Andrew McDonald because he is qualified to do the job as chief justice. That's really the only relevant question.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 02, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Encouragement and Aspirations for the #LegalAidDefendersWithin the swirl of political activity of 2017 lay yet another attack on the Legal Services Corp., the federal agency that serves as the single largest funder of civil legal aid for low-income Americans.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
6 minute read
February 22, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
1 More Civil War Statue for Forgotten HeroMississippi should commission the creation of a new statue to recognize a real state hero, Hiram Robles Revels, to be placed in the National Statuary Hall as the first black U.S. senator to serve.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
6 minute read
February 09, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
How Do We Maintain Financial Order in the Court?As Connecticut continues its financial convulsions, nary a word has been uttered about attempting to make the operation of the judicial branch more efficient.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
3 minute read
January 18, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Support Yale Law Volunteers Advocating for Asylum SeekersIn the spring of 2016 four Yale law students founded an organization to respond to the unmet legal needs of Central American refugee families fleeing…
By Connecticut Editorial Board
2 minute read
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