Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

September 17, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Adopting Proposed Amendment to Rule 8.4

The time has come, and the demands of justice call for, the Rules Committee to adopt the proposed amendment to Rule 8.4.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

September 11, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

A Note of Gratitude to the Judicial Branch

The challenge to create a safe environment in courtrooms was immense. Those efforts were, in large measure, successful in protecting attendees and branch employees.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

September 04, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Applying 'Sheff' to a Root Cause of Our National Crisis: Segregation

Police misconduct is a symptom of a bigger problem in our society.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

August 28, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Does Working Remotely Really Work for Lawyers?

At first, alarm and consternation over remote work prevailed. But that despair turned to hope, and then to optimism, and then outright giddiness.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

August 21, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

It's Time To Say 'No' to Mob-Induced Violence

We strongly support those who engage in peaceful protest, but it is time to draw the line against violent misconduct and divisiveness of which it is symptomatic, whatever the source.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

August 14, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Please Take the Garbage Out

In addition to the increased cost, relying on neighboring states to shoulder the environmental hazard of landfills is not a long-term solution.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

August 06, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Anonymous, Unaccountable Police Must Not Be Tolerated in Our Society

Any officer who is authorized by the government to wield life-threatening power against civilians in the United States, depriving them of liberty on the spot, should be identifiable and accountable.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

July 28, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Blatantly Unconstitutional Gag Order Rightly Repudiated

A person's constitutionally protected speech and religious rights are not forfeited upon criminal incarceration. We applaud Judge Hellerstein for calling it like it is.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

July 21, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

How and When to Reopen Schools: A Modern-day Morton's Fork

States weighing the health risks and costs associated with mitigating those risks of reopening K-12 schools in fall 2020 against the educational risks of providing no in-person instruction will find no easy solution.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

6 minute read

July 15, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Amid Racism and Privilege, It's Time to Check Our Profession

Recognizing the homogeneity of our profession is no longer enough. We must examine the ways in which we continue to perpetuate the exclusionary roots of the profession.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read