Dan Clark

Dan Clark

Dan covers cyber security, legal operations and intellectual property for Corporate Counsel. Follow him on Twitter @Danclarkalm.

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September 14, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

COVID-19 Has Made Succession Planning, Boardroom Training More Important Than Ever Before

"If you want to promote from within, then you need to build into your development programs, those business acumen traits or characteristics. Something that will buttress strengths in those areas," A.B. Cruz, a senior adviser at BarkerGilmore in San Antonio, Texas, said in an interview.

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

September 11, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

B20 Integrity and Compliance Taskforce Hopes to Empower Women to Fight Corruption

"One of the things that we're trying to do through the integrity and compliance task force is to empower women to recognize when they are being solicited for bribes in their business life and give them the tools to resist solicitation and to know how to report corruption," Danielle Cannata, the co-chair of the B20's Integrity & Compliance Taskforce and senior counsel at Saudi Basic Industries Corp., said.

By Dan Clark

6 minute read

September 09, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Dentsu Aegis Network Group In-House Leader Asks Others to Take General Counsel Oath

"I put that together as a checklist of sorts to guide general counsel on things that I think they can do themselves to create a more positive experience for them professionally but also be positive for their teams," Simon Zinger said.

By Dan Clark

5 minute read

September 09, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Insurance Companies Are Hunting for Top Talent to Meet COVID-19, Natural Disaster Demands

"A lot of companies will prefer to have someone who does have an insurance industry background, but I know of many companies that have hired someone who has never worked in the industry before but is used to the interplay between government regulators and lawyers," Michael Sachs, a partner at Major, Lindsey & Africa in Chicago, said.

By Dan Clark

5 minute read

September 02, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Koch Industries General Counsel Ray Geoffroy Wants to Expand Access to Justice Through Pro Bono Efforts

"One group we have a partnership with is the Midwest Innocence Project. The organization had a backlog of cases and it didn't have the people to review those cases from folks who are incarcerated. "So through our internal attorneys and team members, we are working with them to get those cases screened," Ray Geoffroy, general counsel of Koch Industries, said.

By Dan Clark

6 minute read

September 01, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Amid Pandemic Popularity, Zoom Names In-House Tech Veteran as General Counsel

Jeff True takes over as the company's top lawyer, replacing Aparna Bawa, who became the company's first general counsel in 2018 and then the chief operating officer in May.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

August 27, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Diversity Lab Announces Mansfield Rule-Certified Legal Departments

"We did have a noticeable uptick in interest after George Floyd's murder and the subsequent national reckoning with racial injustices and are still seeing increased interest from legal departments looking to sign up for the next cohort," Leila Hock, director of legal department partnerships and inclusion initiatives at Diversity Lab, explained.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

August 27, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

General Counsel Are Becoming the Leaders on Corporate Sustainability

Claudia Toussaint, general counsel and chief sustainability officer of Xylem in Rye Brook, New York, said the role of chief sustainability officer is "a natural accompaniment to the evolution of the general counsel."

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

August 26, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Con Edison Denies Former In-House Attorney's Gender, Age Discrimination Claims

In an answer to the complaint, Con Edison's attorneys wrote "Con Edison denies the allegations" to each claim Sharon Goldzweig raised.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

August 25, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Pandemic Is Making In-House Look for Savings on Outside Counsel Spend

"There are a lot of options out there whether it is alternative legal service providers or e-billing software," Ryan Loro, president of LegalBillReview.com, said. "The first and easiest thing to do for in-house legal teams would be to control the cost they already have."

By Dan Clark

3 minute read