Daniel J Siegel

Daniel J Siegel

September 01, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

'It's the Internet' Isn't a Valid Ethics or Malpractice Defense

When discussing social media and e-discovery with clients, including lawyer clients, or during CLE programs, I invariably see a true dichotomy. There are many lawyers who recognize that they must adapt to and deal with social media and electronically stored information, as they have with so many other changes in the practice over time.

By Daniel J. Siegel

9 minute read

August 31, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

'It's the Internet' Isn't a Valid Ethics or Malpractice Defense

When discussing social media and e-discovery with clients, including lawyer clients, or during CLE programs, I invariably see a true dichotomy. There are many lawyers who recognize that they must adapt to and deal with social media and electronically stored information, as they have with so many other changes in the practice over time.

By Daniel J. Siegel

9 minute read

July 14, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Should There Be a Cause of Action for Negligent Referrals?

I can still remember the sage advice that my Civil Procedure professor offered in my first law school class: "Get the fee first," he said, as his class of students listened attentively. We were shocked. After all, we went to law school to help people and to assure that every member of society would have access to justice. But his words struck a chord in many students, who recognized the underlying message that law is a business as much as it is a profession.

By Daniel J. Siegel

7 minute read

July 14, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Should There Be a Cause of Action for Negligent Referrals?

I can still remember the sage advice that my Civil Procedure professor offered in my first law school class: "Get the fee first," he said, as his class of students listened attentively. We were shocked. After all, we went to law school to help people and to assure that every member of society would have access to justice. But his words struck a chord in many students, who recognized the underlying message that law is a business as much as it is a profession.

By Daniel J. Siegel

7 minute read

May 15, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Working on Practice of Law's 'Soft' Skills

Our profession is quite different from how it was just a few years ago, and far different from how it was decades ago, when lawyers and those who regulate the legal profession claimed—or, rather, dreamed—that the law was a profession but not necessarily a business.

By Daniel J. Siegel

5 minute read

May 15, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Working on Practice of Law's 'Soft' Skills

Our profession is quite different from how it was just a few years ago, and far different from how it was decades ago, when lawyers and those who regulate the legal profession claimed—or, rather, dreamed—that the law was a profession but not necessarily a business.

By Daniel J. Siegel

5 minute read

May 05, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Lawyers Must Be Realistic About Marketplace to Avoid Failure

Our profession is quite different from how it was just a few years ago, and far different from how it was decades ago, when lawyers and those who regulate the legal profession claimed—or, rather, dreamed—that the law was a profession but not necessarily a business.

By Daniel J. Siegel

6 minute read

May 05, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Lawyers Must Be Realistic About Marketplace to Avoid Failure

Our profession is quite different from how it was just a few years ago, and far different from how it was decades ago, when lawyers and those who regulate the legal profession claimed—or, rather, dreamed—that the law was a profession but not necessarily a business.

By Daniel J. Siegel

6 minute read

March 10, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Policy Change Would Limit Confidential Information in Filings

Most people have no idea how to hack a website in order to locate confidential information such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers and birth dates. But when it comes to court websites, in many cases you don't need to be a geek or a hacker to access this information.

By Daniel J. Siegel

9 minute read

March 09, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Policy Change Would Limit Confidential Information in Filings

Most people have no idea how to hack a website in order to locate confidential information such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers and birth dates. But when it comes to court websites, in many cases you don't need to be a geek or a hacker to access this information.

By Daniel J. Siegel

9 minute read