December 19, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Man v. machine—A new e-discovery gold standardA recent slew of articles have stoked the age old man versus machine debate, often suggesting that man is on the losing end of yet another automation battle.
By Dean Gonsowski
11 minute read
December 02, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: The top 10 2012 e-discovery trendsAbraham Lincoln once said, The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. While this is certainly true, it seems like the days are coming more quickly now than ever, particularly with the way technology is impacting the practice of law. Unlike the...
By Dean Gonsowski
14 minute read
October 28, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: To amend or not to amend the FRCP?According to a cacophony of surveys, reports and anecdotal evidence, the American litigation system is teetering on the brink of collapse, due in large part to complex electronic discovery issues.
By Dean Gonsowski
7 minute read
September 23, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Email’s reign as e-discovery top dog comes to an endE-discovery has become increasingly heterogeneous in the past decade.
By Dean Gonsowski
5 minute read
August 12, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Surveys confirm social media in e-discovery has reached tipping pointNow is the time to deploy both proactive and reactive e-discovery policies.
By Dean Gonsowski
6 minute read
July 15, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: The UK Bribery Act and electronic disclosure practicesCompanies need to ensure compliance.
By Dean Gonsowski
7 minute read
June 17, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Understanding your e-discovery pain toleranceIn the May issue of InsideCounsel, Kayleigh Roberts and Ashley Trent wrote an excellent…
By Dean Gonsowski
7 minute read
May 19, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Courts Increase Skepticism over Electronic Discovery Self CollectionGoing forward, companies should consider alternatives to self collection to protect themselves against sanctions.
By Dean Gonsowski
8 minute read
April 07, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Electronic Discovery in the CloudWhy a "ready, fire, aim" strategy doesn't work.
By Dean Gonsowski
7 minute read
January 25, 2009 | Corporate Counsel
The E-Discovery Plot Thickens with the Passing of FRE 502On Sept. 19, 2008, Federal Rule of Evidence 502 passed into law with the goal of establishing uniform, nationwide standards addressing the waiver of attorney-client privilege and work product protection.
By Dean Gonsowski
12 minute read
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