Devika Kewalramani

Devika Kewalramani

October 30, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Lawyer-Nonlawyer Business Ventures: a Limited Affair

By Devika Kewalramani

13 minute read

February 15, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Advance Payment Retainers: Whose Property? What Account?

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, and Jordan Greenberger, an associate at the firm, ask: To whom does an advance payment retainer belong: the lawyer or the client? To what account should the funds be deposited: the lawyer's or law firm's operating account or the client trust account?

By Devika Kewalramani and Jordan Greenberger

10 minute read

February 24, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Lawyers' Titles and Law Firm Names in the Hi-Tech Era

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, writes that while the web, with its blogs, websites and social media has made it easier to connect and network, the online nature of these interactions has created a virtual distance between lawyers and prospective clients, so lawyers' presentations of themselves in those new media are critical and must pass scrupulous ethical examination.

By Devika Kewalramani

12 minute read

July 18, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Virtual Law Offices: A New and Lasting Frontier?

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, writes that some firms and lawyers use aspects of Virtual Law Office technology to augment their traditional physical offices, while others have completely abandoned their brick-and-mortar presence by embracing the virtual model.

By Devika Kewalramani

13 minute read

February 29, 2012 | Legaltech News

Lawyers' Titles and Law Firm Names in the Digital Age

As business cards, firm letterheads, and office signs compete with online media, lawyers' digital presentations of themselves are critical and must pass scrupulous ethical examination.

By Devika Kewalramani

12 minute read

July 16, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Private Practice, Public Office: Drawing the Line, Ethically

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, writes that the New York Rules of Professional Conduct and its prohibition against conflicts of interest would of course apply to a lawyer who serves as a public official while still representing private clients. However, the dual public-private role imposes special obligations.

By Devika Kewalramani

11 minute read

May 15, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Client-to-Client Conflicts: New Look at Overlooked Rule Change

Devika Kewalramani and Alvin H. Schulman, partners at Moses & Singer, write that New York's three-year-old current clients conflicts rule has a different look and feel from that of its predecessor, and the changes adopted in April 2009 may have altered the way lawyers are required to analyze client-to-client conflicts.

By Devika Kewalramani and Alvin H. Schulman

12 minute read

January 13, 2011 | New York Law Journal

URLs for ESQs: How to Choose and Use Ethical Domain Names

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, cautions that catchy domain names that drive traffic to a lawyer or law firm's website are risky if they cause confusion or mislead potential clients about the firm, its lawyers and services.

By Devika Kewalramani

11 minute read

March 21, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Cloud Computing: Ethical Shades of Gray

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, discusses the ambiguities of 'cloudsourcing' and the ABA's effort to identify specific, practical concerns surrounding cloud computing and guidelines for parctitioners, while exploring steps that lawyers and firms can take to protect outsourced confidential client information.

By Devika Kewalramani

8 minute read

June 30, 2010 | New York Law Journal

You Can Tweet but You Can't Hide: Social Networking for Lawyers

Devika Kewalramani, a partner at Moses & Singer, writes: Online social networks have become essential career building tools. Blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking are everyday activities, especially for younger lawyers. So, how can lawyers properly meet their ethical obligations while participating in various online activities?

By Devika Kewalramani

11 minute read