Editorial Board

Editorial Board

February 08, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Viewpoint: Legalization of Marijuana Should Proceed With Caution

Before the Legislature embraces Gov. Ned Lamont's invitation to legalize marijuana, we hope it does its homework to assess if indeed marijuana has both short- and long-term effects on the body and the brain.

By Connecticut Editorial Board

3 minute read

February 04, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

High Court Got it Right on Expungement for Drug Court Grads

The court's opinion does a service, not only in clarifying the standard for expungement under the 2016 statute but also in explaining the valuable work done by drug courts. The work of these courts is unique and to be applauded.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

February 04, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Clear and Convincing Standard Appropriate in Sexual Misconduct Proceedings

While a student disciplinary proceeding does not have the consequences of a criminal trial in which guilt must be established beyond a reasonable doubt, neither is it the same as an ordinary civil dispute between two private parties over money.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

February 01, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Connecticut's Fiscal Problems Require a Full-Court Press

Our new governor, Edward Miner “Ned” Lamont Jr., inherits a challenging financial environment. Years of governmental mismanagement, failure to…

By Connecticut Editorial Board

4 minute read

January 29, 2019 | The American Lawyer

To Keep Young Lawyers Healthy and Practicing, Humanize Big Law

Law firms can—and should—ensure their young lawyers don't feel overburdened and inadequate.

By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board

13 minute read

January 28, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Equal Rights Amendment? New Jersey Has Had One Since '47

The Delaware milestone can serve as a reminder to those in our state that we too have a state ERA.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

January 28, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Attorney General Should Investigate All Police-Involved Deaths

We appreciate the attorney general's concern about maintaining the well-deserved reputation of our county prosecutors for integrity, but there is absolutely no dishonor when any lawyer recognizes a conflict of interest. We all have them. We urge the governor to sign S-1036.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

January 25, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Abuse of the National Emergency and Balance of Power

It is time for Congress to consider its role in our tripartite government and recognize what it has given away.

By Connecticut Editorial Board

5 minute read

January 21, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Criminal Justice Reform Law a Good Start

Although far from perfect, these reforms are extremely important for persons convicted of federal crimes, their families, and federal criminal law practitioners.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

January 21, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

To Get Serious on Immigration Reform, Start the National ID Debate

If we were truly serious about enforcing the immigration laws, we would set up a national biometric identity system with a central database.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

6 minute read