Editorial Board

Editorial Board

October 01, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Majority Got it Wrong on Child Endangerment Statute

We urge the legislature to take up this issue and amend N.J.S.A. §2C:24-4(a) to overrule State v. Fuqua.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

September 27, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

CT Editorial Board: Reopen Judge Kavanaugh Background Investigation

A full, fair, objective, definitive, and final investigation of the claims of sexual assault is the only way to put an end to the now utterly polarized process of selecting an associate justice who will serve for life.

By Connecticut Editorial Board

2 minute read

September 24, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

In Support of Turner's Restricted License Bill

We urge the Legislature to act favorably on the proposed legislation. We can see no harm from such enactment and, in the words of Sen. Turner, "the opportunity for the poor to be put on the road to economic and social justice."

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

September 24, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Law 'Not a Mere Money-Getting Trade': Read Appellate Case on Retainers

This is a lesson all attorneys should keep in mind when preparing fee agreements or devising their billing practices.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

September 21, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Examining the Federal Pursuit of Harvey Weinstein

While few would voice concern over the well-being of the notorious former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, the recent news that federal authorities have chosen to join the multiple legal proceedings involving Weinstein raises concerns that transcend the fate of this individual.

By Connecticut Editorial Board

4 minute read

September 17, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Regulations Needed on Therapeutic Foster Homes

We hope that the Department of Human Services takes the Appellate Division's suggestions to heart and works to translate the court's common law duty ruling into standard practices.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

September 17, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Portee' Rightly Applied to Same-Sex Partners

Our law continues to evolve in a positive direction.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

September 14, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Lessons From 'My Cousin Vinny'

There is much to learn from the movie, including how to deal with a hostile witness and how to effectively examine an expert. The movie has as much potential to educate as it does to entertain.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

September 10, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Implement Recommended Municipal Court Reforms Now

Sadly, the report notes that municipal courts have come to be perceived by the public as a means to fund municipalities' coffers rather than as a means to administer justice. Reforms are urgently needed so that justice in New Jersey municipal courts is fairly administered, and to correct this perception.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

September 06, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Professionalism Boot Camp: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Most law degree curricula now include robust clinical programs, internships, trial practice courses and similar programs designed to expose the law student to the realities of the legal profession he or she will soon enter.

By Connecticut Editorial Board

3 minute read