Editorial Board

Editorial Board

December 26, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Right Result on Insider Trading

In our Dec. 5 editorial, we discussed Salman v. United States, an insider-trading appeal that was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. We would not have predicted that the ruling would come one day later.

By Editorial Board

2 minute read

December 26, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Council on Local Mandates Faces Stiff Test on Bail Reform Query

The New Jersey Association of Counties, representing at least nine counties, has filed a complaint with the Council on Local Mandates. Many of the new criminal justice reform requirements are said to be unfunded mandates. If the council were to so rule, it would undo the entire statutory criminal justice reform initiative.

By Editorial Board

5 minute read

December 26, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Inevitable Backfires Must Not Derail Criminal Justice Reform

New Jersey is about to embark on the most ambitious program of criminal justice reform in our collective memory.

By Editorial Board

6 minute read

December 19, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Garland Should Not Recuse in CFPB Matter Before D.C. Circuit

Judge Garland's recusal makes perfect sense in the normal world. But the Senate has refused to consider the nomination—or in the case of some senators, to even entertain a traditional courtesy visit with the nominee. He will not serve on the Supreme Court, and thus there is no longer any reason for his recusal from cases such as this CFPB matter.

By Editorial Board

7 minute read

December 19, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Fiscal Necessity' Exception to CBAs Needed Reining in

This new decision gives important guidance to local governments and their public employee associations, PERC, lower courts and those who had given an overly broad reading of Keyport to provide a virtual carte blanche to local governments to abrogate the agreements with their employees.

By Editorial Board

6 minute read

December 14, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Unspoken Consequences of Working in a Family-Friendly Firm

No one can argue that branding a firm as "family friendly" is a laudable goal. Lawyers want to know that their firms are supportive of family activities. Recent changes in professional settings and technology that allow professionals to work remotely and take advantage of workplace flexibility have led to significant changes in how, where and when we work. And it is undeniable that the family lives of lawyers are changing for the better as a result.

By The YL Editorial Board

11 minute read

December 12, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Restart Efforts to Abolish the Electoral College

As citizens of one of the states whose votes are undervalued when determining who will become the next president, we strongly support an amendatory constitutional process to allow the majority of voting Americans to decide.

By Editorial Board

7 minute read

December 12, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Coordinated Effort Needed to Improve Attorney Retirement Planning

In this editorial, we deal with a lawyer's voluntary decision to "hold 'em or "fold 'em"—to continue practicing or to pack up and retire from the law.

By Editorial Board

8 minute read

December 05, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

An Insider Trading Statute is Necessary to Provide Clarity

We have previously recommended that an insider trading statute be promulgated by Congress. We repeat that recommendation in the interest of bringing clarity to an area that is presently obfuscated.

By Editorial Board

6 minute read

December 05, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

Lawyers Must Be Ready to Fight for the Rule of Law

It remains to be seen whether the rule of law will be upheld as it has been in the past, or whether it will be betrayed from within by its defenders or shrugged away by an indifferent and unappreciative people. Until we see how bench, bar and public meet the coming test, it is too early for self-congratulation about our resilience.

By Editorial Board

8 minute read