Editorial Board

Editorial Board

February 23, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer

Mix a Little Face Time in With All Those Billable Hours

Far too often, young lawyers perceive that their value to their firm is proportionate to the numbers on their time sheet, pro-rated credit rating or reputation for face time.

By The YL Editorial Board

5 minute read

May 25, 2012 | Legaltech News

Safeguarding Data Collected by License Plate Readers

By The Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

December 02, 2010 | New York Law Journal

The Year of Living Indebtedly

By The YL Editorial Board

6 minute read

July 18, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

Let the Sun Shine In: Courts Should Make Dockets Public

We were shocked by the recent story in The Legal Intelligencer regarding a civil case that was being litigated in the dark. The suit had been filed under seal in the district court and the parties took it all the way up to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals without any public record of the proceedings until the Court of Appeals issued its opinion.

By Editorial Board

5 minute read

June 09, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Young Lawyers Willing to Make Changes to Endure Economy

At this time any other year, young lawyers could be heard chatting about vacation plans and how to escape the office on a Friday afternoon. This year, however, the current state of the legal market has us talking about how we'll spend more time in the office — cranking out billable hours and otherwise demonstrating the value we bring to the firm.

By YL Editorial Board

5 minute read

July 21, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Films That Inspire, for Your Summer Viewing Pleasure

As young attorneys, there are definitely times when we need a dose of inspiration.

By YL Editorial Board

10 minute read

August 22, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer

Considerations for Young Lawyers in the Wake of the PSU Scandal

Ever since former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was charged in November 2011 with sexually molesting young boys, the school has remained a lightning rod for controversy, and after the recent sanctions imposed by the NCAA, some wonder whether the school's once-revered football program will survive. Regardless of where you stand on the university's handling of the incident, one thing is clear: much could have been done to avoid it.

By The YL Editorial Board

10 minute read

November 17, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Two 'Philadelphia Lawyers' Help Define the Meaning of the Term

What does it mean to be a "Philadelphia Lawyer"? Wikipedia, which is fast becoming the source of all of our knowledge, describes the term as "a lawyer who knows the most detailed and minute points of law or is an exceptionally competent lawyer."

By YL Editorial Board

7 minute read

March 24, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Delivering Value by Knowing the Model 'Rules' of Social Media

The use of social media has exploded over the last several years. If Facebook were a country, its 500 million users would form the third largest country in the world, behind only China and India. The numbers are staggering, especially given that Facebook has only been around since 2004.

By YL Editorial Board

7 minute read

February 20, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Stronger Response Is Needed From Bench and Bar to Unethical Judges

The Pennsylvania judges have been amassing a troubling track record this past year — five have left the office because of criminal charges or findings of ethical violation.

By The Legal's Editorial Board

5 minute read