January 17, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Use of Facial Recognition Following Capitol Siege Highlights Issues Seen in NJ CaseThis case, it now appears, will be one of many. The mob invasion of the U.S. Capitol has prompted calls for the most aggressive prosecution of the rioters.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
January 13, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune
A Strong 'Yes' — Extend Gov. Lamont's Public Health Emergency PowersThe public health threat to Connecticut residents from the COVID-19 pandemic, which justified the original assumption of emergency powers, persists.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
5 minute read
January 12, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune
The Impeachment of President Donald Trump Is in OrderAt this point, impeachment is the only constitutionally authorized remedy for the president's brazen violation of his oath.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
4 minute read
January 08, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Use 'Constitutional Legislation' SparinglyWe call on our Legislature to resist increased reliance on "constitutional legislation" by requiring a very strong showing of necessity.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
January 08, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Statutory Effect on Insurance Policies: Heed Court's LessonA recent Appellate Division decision provides us with a good example of, and teaches us that, an insurer may not include restrictive language in a policy that violates the statutory policy of New Jersey.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
January 08, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Investigate and ProsecuteA relentless criminal investigation should be undertaken of every lawbreaker from Donald Trump to his acolytes.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
January 08, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune
We Agree: It's Time To Invoke the 25th AmendmentThe vice president and cabinet have a constitutional obligation as public servants to ensure the Office of the President continues to serve and protect the American people.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
4 minute read
January 08, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Rule of Law Triumphs Over Chaos in WashingtonThe rule of law triumphed just after 3:40 a.m. on January 7 when Vice President Pence announced the ratification of the electoral college vote in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
5 minute read
January 04, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Computer Signatures and Arbitration Contracts May Not MixThe lesson: keep it simple, understand arbitration law, and avoid potential duplication and confusion by saying it "well" the first and only time.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
6 minute read
January 04, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal
Massages, Haircuts, and Legal Service: Ethics Advisory Group Changes Course on Silent Auction DonationsThe ACPE appropriately recognized that bidders at a silent auction likely are not thinking that the charity is endorsing or recommending the lawyer or vouching for the quality of the lawyer's services.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
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