Editorial Board

Editorial Board

August 16, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

In Favor of the Nomination of Fabiana Pierre-Louis

We trust there will be an expeditious confirmation process which will lead to a transition permitting the new justice to prepare to join the court in the fall.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

August 16, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Commending the Court on Bond Act Ruling

It may be one of the most momentous decisions in the history of our post-1948 Supreme Court.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

August 14, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Please Take the Garbage Out

In addition to the increased cost, relying on neighboring states to shoulder the environmental hazard of landfills is not a long-term solution.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

August 09, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Months After George Floyd's Death, Reforms Still Needed

It is time for effective police reform legislation.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

August 09, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Judge's Removal Was Appropriate

The Russo matter ends a sorry chapter in the history of aberrant judicial behavior. The court owed it to New Jersey's 400 judges who exhibit the highest ethical standards and for whom the Code of Judicial Conduct is not aspirational but followed.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

August 06, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Anonymous, Unaccountable Police Must Not Be Tolerated in Our Society

Any officer who is authorized by the government to wield life-threatening power against civilians in the United States, depriving them of liberty on the spot, should be identifiable and accountable.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

August 02, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act Should Be Held Constitutional

Any other interpretation would mean that there are times when our state Constitution is indeed a suicide pact.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

July 28, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Blatantly Unconstitutional Gag Order Rightly Repudiated

A person's constitutionally protected speech and religious rights are not forfeited upon criminal incarceration. We applaud Judge Hellerstein for calling it like it is.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

July 27, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Should Be Proud of Camden Police Reform

New Jersey should be proud of what has taken place in Camden.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

July 27, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Shock and Horror

We express our heartfelt condolences on behalf of the entire bar to Judge Salas and her husband.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

1 minute read