March 09, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
In Support of Executive Order Requiring Builders to Consider Climate ChangeStudies have shown climate change is negatively impacting the state. In the absence of federal leadership, we support the governor's initiative if the regulations, when promulgated, are reasonable in their application and reach.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
March 06, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Champerty by Any Other Name: Assessing the Risks of Litigation FundingThird-party litigation funding, first popular across the pond in England and Wales, has grown into a major American industry. But attorneys and clients are forewarned there remain some risks.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
6 minute read
March 05, 2020 | The American Lawyer
To Bridge the Justice Gap, the Legal Profession Should Welcome Regulatory ReformThe Young Lawyer Editorial Board offers an argument in favor of loosening the restrictions on law firm ownership.
By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board
10 minute read
March 01, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
President's Meddling in Criminal Cases a Gross Abuse of AuthorityThe problem is that this president believes and openly proclaims that the enforcement of federal law is simply the exercise of his own ego for his own gratification.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
March 01, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
Our Courts Should Not Be Driven By StatisticsStatistics, ratings and rankings are increasingly called upon to quantify the unquantifiable. It is wrong to draw conclusions about the performance of judges, their work ethic or the quality of justice being rendered based on raw statistics alone.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
February 27, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Human Trafficking Victims Deserve Greater Access to Second ChancesA simple revision to Connecticut's vacatur law would make an important difference to victims of human trafficking. The state should allow trafficking victims with convictions for crimes other than prostitution to request vacatur from the court, but give judges the discretion to grant or deny such requests.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
6 minute read
February 23, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
Judicial Independence Under Siege AgainWe call on the Legislature to reject SCR-47 and S-1047. Instead, all those who support our independent judiciary should continue to push for an increase in the mandatory retirement age.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
February 23, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
Call an Audible on Fair Play Act's Endorsements RestrictionWe think this is not just a political issue, but a legal one as well, since endorsement through use of one's name or likeness is a form of expression and association.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
February 21, 2020 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Crimes Against Blacks, Women Still Underreported in MediaWhichever statistics one relies upon or report one consults, the difference in violence experienced by white women and women of color is dramatic, and much can be reported about the causes, societal implications and effective interventions.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
6 minute read
February 16, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal
Retainer Study Panel Should Consider the 'Nuclear Option'Total denial of retainer compensation should be very rare, and more detailed rules in this area should make them rarer yet. But extreme wrongs call for extreme remedies.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
5 minute read
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