Editorial Board

Editorial Board

March 01, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Division Offers Reminders on Amending Answers and Timely Reconsideration Requests

In Sadeeshkumar v. Sadeeshkumar, the trial judge had denied the defendant's motion to assert a counterclaim for divorce for irreconcilable differences and denied defendant's motion for reconsideration as untimely.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

February 28, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Beyond Politics: Look More Than One Move Ahead With Chevron Deference

Our test should make sense to both liberals and conservatives no matter who is running the executive branch, even if they are unhappy about the result in a specific case.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

February 23, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

In Novel Prosecution, Parent Rightly Held Accountable for School Shooting

Days before the shooting, Mrs. Crumbley took Ethan to a gun range and, as a video showed, mother and son alternated shooting targets. On social media, the mother wrote, "Mom & son day testing out his new Xmas present."

By The Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

February 22, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Balancing the Scales: A Young Attorney's Guide to Excelling Personally and Professionally

As young lawyers embark on this long road of trying to figure out how to balance work responsibilities with family obligations and other commitments, many wonder whether it is actually possible to "do it all," like more senior attorneys seem to be able to do.

By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board

6 minute read

February 21, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Good for Connecticut: Expanding HUSKY Health Care Eligibility Makes Sense

Expanding Medicaid coverage to older brothers and sisters is not only the right thing to do, but it would be an economically sound decision.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

February 20, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Extensions of Time to Rule Are Everyone's Problem, But Nobody's Business

While the number of extensions a judge has received per year, or since appointment, can be gleaned from an exhaustive review of the docket, those tallies are not maintained by the judicial branch.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

February 20, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Thomas Should Recuse From Matters Related to the Big Lie

The court will soon have to decide whether former President Trump has engaged in crimes sufficient to disqualify him from running for federal office.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

3 minute read

February 16, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Navalny Death Underscores How Much the Rule of Law Depends on People of Courage

Long an opponent of Vladimir Putin and the ruling United Russia Party, Navalny organized huge anti-government protests, ran for office, and worked tirelessly to expose corruption at every level of the political hierarchy.

By The Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

February 16, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Should Change Animal Testing Laws to Better Fit ABA Resolution Seeking to 'Replace, Reduce and Refine' Methods

Significantly, the statute expressly excepts application of this "to any animal test conducted for the purposes of medical research."

By The Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

February 16, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Why Must Patients So Often Sign Medical Records Before Reading Them?

Shouldn't medical providers be required to provide pre-signature access to forms concerning medical treatment and payment, affording the ability to read them before we sign them?

By The Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read