Editorial Board

Editorial Board

February 24, 2012 | Texas Lawyer

Mix a Little Face Time in With All Those Billable Hours

Far too often, young lawyers perceive that their value to their firm is proportionate to the numbers on their time sheet, pro-rated credit rating or reputation for face time. Unfortunately, the pay scale and bonus structures often reward exclusively those things so as to send the message that young associates should be worker bees who do not need to think beyond their immediate profitability to the firm.

By The YL Editorial Board

5 minute read

December 27, 2010 |

Tips on Business Development for Young Lawyers

Recognizing the importance of client development for lawyers' continued professional success, the Editorial Board of Young Lawyer offers a few suggestions for young lawyers on where to start and a few comments for firms on how to encourage their lawyers develop their sales skills.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

8 minute read

September 21, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Two Great Scandals; Two Very Different Reactions

Two great scandals have rocked the political and legal establishments of Pennsylvania this year: one in the judiciary and one in the Legislature. What have we learned from the experience? Have we simply unearthed and brought to justice a few bad apples or is there something more sinister or systemic at work that we can and should ferret out and squelch? And does the reigning political and legal establishment care to find out?

By The TLI Editorial Board

8 minute read

October 27, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Time for High Court to Update Eyewitness Identification Protocols

A person is walking down the street alone at night and is suddenly attacked by a stranger and robbed of their personal belongings. An iPhone, some cash and jewelry are all taken during an encounter that lasts only a matter of seconds.

By YL Editorial Board

8 minute read

January 17, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

Lessons From Congress Inform Our New Year's Resolutions

As December flew by, many pundits predicted that Congress' failure to resolve the automatic tax hikes and steep spending cuts that were scheduled to take effect on January 1 — otherwise known as the ill-named "fiscal cliff" — would lead to a weakening of the country's economic recovery.

By YL Editorial Board

7 minute read

October 17, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

Welcome to the Jungle Gym: 10 Tips for Navigating the Profession

"Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder," according to Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, in her best-selling book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.

By The YL Editorial Board

7 minute read

January 22, 2010 |

Associates, Take Ownership of Your Legal Work

Nearly all associates, if they really think about it, can cite an example of their own sheer laziness. At the very least, associates can recall times when they consciously delivered an acceptable, but not exceptional, work product. In this new year, why not take ownership of the final work product? That's right -- independent thought and analysis are back in 2010. The editorial board of Young Lawyer calls on colleagues to research, proofread and edit as if "the buck stops here."

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

4 minute read

April 18, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

Firing of the Eight U.S. Attorneys A Step Back 50 Years

The controversy following the firing of the eight U.S. attorneys is disturbing, but for a more practical reason than voiced by the members of the U.S. Senate.

By Editorial Board

4 minute read

April 06, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

Jones Made the Right Call On Assigning Judge

First Judicial District President Judge C. Darnell Jones II made the decision recently to ask the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to assign an out-of-county judge to decide a case with the strongest of political overtones.

By Editorial Board

2 minute read

February 04, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

Woman depicted in child porn wants Pa. man to pay

A woman who had pornographic images made of her as a child wants more than $3 million in restitution from a western Pennsylvania man who has pleaded guilty to having them on his computer and sharing them with others.

By YL Editorial Board

1 minute read