Editorial Board

Editorial Board

August 25, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Work, and Life in the Balance

The sad news is that a 32-year-old corporate associate passed away in June of an apparent heart attack. Some commentators have suggested a connection between her premature death and her workload, which had been especially severe in the weeks immediately preceding her death.

By YL Editorial Board

4 minute read

June 01, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Full Truth Needs to Come Out in Family Court Building Fiasco

We applaud The Philadelphia Inquirer for spreading sunshine on the mysterious and troubling transactions leading to the construction of the new Family Court building here in Philadelphia. We applaud the governor and the chief justice for stepping up to the plate -- albeit belatedly -- and agreeing to re-bid the project so as to cleanse it of the unseemly taint of double-dipping, conflicts of interest, no-bid contracts and unwritten agreements. But moving ahead requires more than just a re-bid; it also requires a critical look back.

By The Editorial Board

6 minute read

August 25, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Associate's Death a Work-Life Balance Reminder

We were saddened to learn about a 32-year-old corporate associate who passed away in June of an apparent heart attack. Some commentators have suggested a connection between her premature death and her workload, which had been especially severe in the weeks immediately preceding her death.

By YL Editorial Board

4 minute read

April 27, 2011 | Legaltech News

The Impact of Advanced E-Discovery Software on Young Lawyers

Although e-discovery software can make it easier to sift through and organize documents, document review is often a tedious process -- albeit one with the important goal of advancing a case. Young attorneys who can effectively navigate e-discovery to find key documents distinguish themselves and bring significant value to the litigation process.

By Young Lawyers Editorial Board

6 minute read

July 21, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Would Young Lawyers Tolerate NFL Disciplinary System?

Former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was released from prison in May, and his case has sparked discussion over whether young lawyers would tolerate the disciplinary system in the National Football League.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

6 minute read

February 18, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

How We Can Make Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream Come True

"Why would I want a LinkedIn profile? I keep up with my friends and connections on Facebook." That's what young lawyers looking for work often say when I ask them about networking and how they use

By YL Editorial Board

6 minute read

December 01, 2010 |

Commentary: Adding Value to Law School's Third Year

It is critical that students develop skills that will allow them to find work or to enable themselves to work on their own, and Young Lawyer's editorial board has several suggestions on how law schools can use the third year to provide a better transition to the job market.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

6 minute read

July 27, 2011 |

A Young Lawyer's Guide to Professional Dress

Your attire makes a statement about your competence and professionalism, and may impact your future success in the legal world. Here are some tips to keep people listening to what you say rather than focusing on what you're wearing, from the editorial board of The Legal Intelligencer's Young Lawyer.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

7 minute read

November 12, 2009 | Texas Lawyer

10 Tips for Beginning a Successful Legal Career

As another class of law school graduates begins their careers as practicing attorneys, we started to reflect upon our early days as lawyers. Looking back, we realized just how much we didn't know then, and we commented that we wish someone had given us better advice prior to starting our new positions.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

7 minute read

March 14, 2003 |

Hallinan Should Retire

Terence Hallinan's handling of the indictments of Police Chief Earl Sanders and Deputy Chief Alex Fagan Sr. has been a national embarrassment -- but the DA's catalog of catastrophe began long before this sorry episode. From nearly the day he won election in 1995, Hallinan has turned the San Francisco district attorney's office into the legal equivalent of a tornado-prone trailer park, lashed by media storms and political trash talk.

By Recorder Editorial Board

4 minute read