Elisa Reiter Daniel Pollack

Elisa Reiter Daniel Pollack

September 16, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Gun Ownership and Mental Illness: The Legal Connection

"The case of J.M.P., Jr. sets an important precedent for future legal decisions regarding mental health and ownership of firearms," write Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack, and Jeffrey Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack, and Jeffrey Siegel

10 minute read

September 09, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Keeping Clients Secrets: 'Til Death Do Us Part?

"The duties of confidentiality for attorneys and psychologists are fundamental to their professional relationships," write Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel

7 minute read

September 06, 2024 | New York Law Journal

From Chaos to Clarity: Communicating With Borderline and Narcissistic Personalities During Divorce

"Communicating with individuals who have been diagnosed with BPD and/or NPD requires specialized strategies and heightened awareness for the parties' attorneys," write Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel

10 minute read

April 25, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Stepchildren as Eyewitnesses of Domestic Abuse

According to a survey sponsored by the OJJDP, 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year; 90% of them are eyewitnesses to domestic violence incidents. From a legal perspective, are there some approaches and strategies to keep in mind when the alleged perpetrator is the "new parent" and the eyewitness is their stepchild rather than biological child?

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel

9 minute read

April 09, 2024 | The Recorder

Exploring the Contours of Expert Testimony Regarding Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome

"The presentation of expert mental health information to the court is essential, but such evidence ... is likely to draw objections," according to Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel

9 minute read

April 03, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Publicly Criticizing Custody Professionals: Where Is the Line Between Activism and Defamation?

"Striking a balance between raising awareness about legitimate concerns and avoiding defamatory statements is essential," write columnists Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack, along with psychologist Jeffrey C. Siegel.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel

15 minute read

December 27, 2023 | The Recorder

A Very Young Child's Voice in Sexual Abuse Legal Proceedings

"In cases involving minor children, we sometimes vary from standard operating procedure regarding how testimony can be presented, as well as stretching boundaries as to whether the witness is developmentally capable of presenting testimony. Should such distinctions continue?"

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel

12 minute read

December 07, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Pros and Cons: The Role of Consultants in Child Custody Battles

Consultants can help litigants learn to better adapt, to communicate politely and succinctly, and to help give children stable homes and healthy choices. Should their artistry be disclosed in discovery?

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey Siegel

7 minute read

October 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Attorneys as Purveyors of Peace

People have an inherent impulse toward empathy. That drive can be nurtured or squelched during any legal process. This article presents a discussion on conflict and suggests how attorneys would be wise to learn from mental health professionals about how to best serve clients with empathy, attention and respect.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel

7 minute read

October 03, 2023 | Daily Business Review

Keeping Family Courts Accountable While Too Many Families Are Unraveling

It takes just a few data points to portray the dissolution of too many American families today.

By Elisa Reiter, Daniel Pollack and Jeffrey C. Siegel

9 minute read