Elisa Reiter

Elisa Reiter

July 15, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

CPS Workers Are Exhausted—and It's Affecting the Legal Rights of Children

Since "Child Protection Service workers ... comprise the essential frontline of the child protection system, their emotional exhaustion can quickly affect a negative domino series of consequences," write Daniel Pollack and Elisa Reiter.

By Daniel Pollack and Elisa Reiter

6 minute read

July 05, 2024 | Daily Business Review

'Concept Creep' in Family Law: What Is It and How Should You Address It?

Be aware of the phenomenon of concept creep. Implement appropriate safeguards. The family law system can better serve the needs of divorcing families and protect the well-being of children while upholding the principles of fairness and due process if everyone understands that one definition may not hold for all applications of one concept.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

6 minute read

June 28, 2024 | National Law Journal

Bravo! A Court Opinion About Child Custody and Support That Focuses on Behavior, Not Labels

Just like labeling children may have a lifelong impact on how they view themselves, assigning vague or inaccurate labels in a family law case can cause lasting damage. It is important to take a fresh perspective in such cases, untainted by broad psychological labels that may cause a court to color its perspective.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

7 minute read

June 27, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

The Importance of Mediation in Family Law Cases

"Mediation provides parties with greater control over the process and outcome," according to Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

4 minute read

June 13, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Crafting Effective Strategies for Family Law Cases: What's Your ASK?

To family law practitioners to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients, cases must be meticulously prepared, anticipating every potential scenario and by crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with the court. At the heart of this preparation lies a fundamental question: "What's your ASK?"

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

5 minute read

June 11, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Is It Legal and Ethical for Child Custody Evaluators To Use AI?

We live in a technologically advanced era. By drawing from a deep well of information, AI can be an aid to people in all areas of life. What if the "expert" child custody evaluator relies on AI in compiling their report?

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

7 minute read

May 30, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Digging Deeper Than Labels: Parental Alienation

Advocates of the term "parental alienation" say it refers to an idea that if children exhibit certain behaviors or symptoms, those characteristics should somehow not be considered signs that the child was a victim of abuse. Instead, the very actions that were abusive are reframed, and cast against the person raising the alarm that the child has been a victim of abuse.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

8 minute read

May 28, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

Yes, You Can Make a Federal Case Regarding Alleged Sexual Abuse in Pre-K

"To the best of their ability, administrators owe their students a duty to protect them from sexual and physical abuse," write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

11 minute read

May 08, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

College, COVID and Compensation: Who Pays for the Loss of In-Person Classes?

"Was the difference significant enough to lead to a legally required prorated tuition refund?" write Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

5 minute read

May 06, 2024 | Daily Business Review

Getting a Gray Divorce? Consider the ADR Route

During a gray divorce, being amicable goes a long way. Minimizing the contentiousness in a divorce will ultimately be psychologically and financially beneficial for both parties. To that end, an alternative dispute resolution approach (ADR) may be the right one for divorcing older couples.

By Elisa Reiter and Daniel Pollack

8 minute read