Emily Barker

Emily Barker

Based in New York, Emily Barker is the managing editor of American Lawyer. She has been covering the business of law for more than 20 years.

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July 01, 2010 |

Editor's Note

We've been keeping our eye on the Yukos wars for some years now.

By Emily Barker

2 minute read

January 04, 2010 |

Editor's Note

The jury's still out on whether litigation will boom in this recession. But there's one undeniable hot spot of litigation activity: the slew of common law fraud suits over structured financial products that turned out to be toxic waste.

By Emily Barker

2 minute read

September 01, 2008 |

Three Years In Two

Northwestern promises a quicker law degree.

By Emily Barker

3 minute read

January 01, 2011 |

Editor's Note

It's enough to make a Wachtell partner drool a little. The average profits per partner at one of the Moscow firms profiled by chief European correspondent Chris Johnson in this issue's cover story run a sweet $7.8 million.

By Emily Barker

2 minute read

January 01, 2009 |

Editor's Note

By Emily Barker

2 minute read

June 01, 2007 |

Editors' Note

By Emily Barker

3 minute read

June 24, 2008 |

Editor's Note

Last fall, when our senior international correspondent, Michael D. Goldhaber, was invited to a conference in Washington, D.C., to advise in-house lawyers on how to deal with the press, he wound up talking about how little coverage international anticorruption efforts have gotten in the U.S. media. Back in the office, Goldhaber set about doing something to remedy that deficiency.

By Emily Barker

2 minute read

October 01, 2008 |

The Two-Year Plan

Northwestern overhauls its curriculum and introduces an accelerated J.D. program.

By Emily Barker

3 minute read

June 30, 2003 |

The Scramble to Keep Women Partners

For firms struggling to bolster their ranks of senior female lawyers, Vinson & Elkin's unusually concerted approach offers valuable lessons.

By Emily Barker

14 minute read

June 05, 2007 |

Trickle-Up Theory

Diversity Scorecard Shows Steady, Slow Progress

By Emily Barker

8 minute read