Eric Esperne

Eric Esperne

February 02, 2012 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Keeping your distance from data

Here in the 21st century, we in-house lawyers work in a virtual business world made up of electronic data

By Eric Esperne

6 minute read

December 16, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: 10 pieces of advice from a seasoned in-house lawyer

My career has not followed the well-trodden path of many lawyers who have gone from law school to law firm to in-house.

By Eric Esperne

7 minute read

November 18, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: The role of in-house lawyers in protecting corporations

The Occupy Wall Street movements Human Worth Amendment states, A corporate entity is not a person and, therefore, is not entitled to the rights and protections set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America for human-beings.

By Eric Esperne

6 minute read

October 14, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: The benefits of legal decision support technology

Using artificial intelligence in the practice of law can help increase efficiency.

By Eric Esperne

6 minute read

September 02, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Creating good business contracts

Having complete and definitive written contracts is as important as ever.

By Eric Esperne

6 minute read

August 05, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Lessons learned from Lauren Stevens

The Laura Stevens case proves its in-house counsels job to know what goes on at their company.

By Eric Esperne

15 minute read

July 01, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Synergies tie in-house counsel, skiers

Like skiers, in-house lawyers understand the challenges they face in their jobs and can formulate strategies and identify tools needed to succeed.

By Eric Esperne

6 minute read

June 03, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Corporate Policy Checklist

Six questions in-house counsel should consider when introducing a new corporate policy.

By Eric Esperne

5 minute read

April 21, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Inside Experts: Risk and Reward for the In-House Lawyer

In-house lawyers must understand the business side of company operations in order to make reasoned and justifiable legal decisions.

By Eric Esperne

11 minute read