September 27, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Becoming the cowboy: Risk management tips for in-house counselCowboys and cowgirls dont call what they do risk management. They would call it common sense. And you can learn from their secrets.
By Eric Esperne
13 minute read
July 26, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Navigating termination for convenience clausesMost of us, especially those of us in our 30s or younger, have a friend or relative who lives with someone they love without getting married.
By Eric Esperne
6 minute read
June 07, 2013 | Inside Counsel
What modern lawyers can learn from Dr. OzAre you a 21st century lawyer on your way up? Do you have what it takes to succeed as a professional in the age of connectivity? Got blog? How Googleable are you, anyway?
By Eric Esperne
13 minute read
May 09, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Analyzing former Rutgers GC’s performance in wake of basketball coach scandalRobert L. Barchi, president of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, announced the firing of the schools athletic director, Tim Pernetti, in an April 5 press conference, two days after Rutgers had fired its head mens basketball coach, Mike Rice, for physically and verbally abusing players, including the use...
By Eric Esperne
16 minute read
March 15, 2013 | Inside Counsel
5 ways in-house lawyers can support innovation at their companiesTimes are tough all around the world these days.
By Eric Esperne
7 minute read
January 07, 2013 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: The 7 kinds of GCsIn two of my past jobs as an in-house counsel, I was the first lawyer to ever be employed by the company.
By Eric Esperne
8 minute read
November 19, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Penn State’s GC was criticized too harshly for her role in the Sandusky scandalPennsylvania State University never had a general counsel until January 2010, when then-University President Graham Spanier appointed Cynthia Baldwin, a private practice lawyer and former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice, to the position.
By Eric Esperne
16 minute read
June 11, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an in-house lawyer, or should you open up a beach bar?A set of 10 questions that will help prospective law students, recent law grads, even established lawyers, decide if they were born to be a lawyer, or whether they should open up that beach bar in the Caribbean.
By Eric Esperne
8 minute read
May 04, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Striking a balance between censoring your employees and protecting your company’s brand onlineMy son was born at the end of the Millennial generation. He is 11 years old and owns an iPod and a MacBook Pro.
By Eric Esperne
7 minute read
March 01, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Inside Experts: Getting the most out of a performance reviewIts performance review time! Time for your boss to go on the record about how well he or she thinks you are doing your job. Corporate performance review programs set objectives and use metrics to measure your progress towards fulfilling the objectives.
By Eric Esperne
13 minute read