Erica F Buckley

Erica F Buckley

June 07, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Who Enforces New York's Good Cause Law?

In this article, Erica F. Buckley provides an overview of the Good Cause Eviction Law, the role of the Division of Housing and Community Renewal and whether she believes the New York Attorney General will seek to enforce Good Cause.

By Erica F. Buckley

9 minute read

March 11, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Ask the Former Regulator: Condo Conversions Under Amended Law for Small Buildings

In this article, Erica F. Buckley recaps the 2022 amendments to the Martin Act and how they may apply to a situation where a husband and wife are looking to convert their building into a condominium.

By Erica F. Buckley

6 minute read

December 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Benefits of Leasehold Condominiums for Operators of Homeless Shelters

It would make sense for a nonprofit in New York City to understand the benefits of leasehold condominiums and the value of the 420-a Exemption. This is especially true if your nonprofit operates a homeless shelter, which, per the DOF, is a nonresidential purpose entitling your organization to robust tax relief.

By Erica F. Buckley

6 minute read

September 18, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Private Right of Action Under the Martin Act—Does It Exist?

In this installment of her Ask the Former Regulator column, Erica F. Buckley addresses the question of whether condominium unit owners or non-sponsor-controlled boards can sue sponsors under the Martin Act when they fail to follow through on what was promised.

By Erica F. Buckley

6 minute read

June 15, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Good Cause Eviction Protections Under the Martin Act

While talk of good cause eviction protections overtook the New York state legislative session last week, few people talk about the fact that nonpurchasing tenants in buildings that convert to cooperative or condominium under a noneviction plan have historically received tenant protections that are tantamount to good cause eviction rights.

By Erica F. Buckley

10 minute read

March 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

The Martin Act and Small Building Condo Conversions

While the change is welcome news for many in the real estate industry, a close reading of the law and its purpose is necessary to understand its full applicability to small building owners.

By Erica F. Buckley

9 minute read

December 21, 2022 | New York Law Journal

The Attorney General's Power To Enforce Real Estate Regulations

The AG has a tremendous amount of power under the Martin Act and Executive Law and has a low threshold to use these various tools on behalf of the public.

By Erica F. Buckley

10 minute read

October 04, 2022 | New York Law Journal

The Step-by-Step Process of Condominium Termination

This column will first discuss when condominium terminations generally happen and then the steps for carrying them out in New York City.

By Erica F. Buckley

7 minute read

June 28, 2022 | New York Law Journal

When Is Rescission Warranted Under the Martin Act?

While a changing market can be stressful, it is not necessarily grounds for rescission.

By Erica F. Buckley

7 minute read

March 31, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Coops, Condos and Community Land Trusts: What Is Permissible in NY?

In her 'Ask the Former Regulator' column, Erica Buckley explains the type of for-sale housing that can be built on a community land trust as well as what the New York Attorney General's filing requirements are for this kind of housing.

By Erica F. Buckley

8 minute read