Frank Ready

Frank Ready

Frank Ready is a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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November 18, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Legal Departments Face New Cybersecurity Challenge: Pandemic-Caused Fatigue

While some of the initial hype that surrounded the initial launch of the GDPR back in 2018 may have left executives somewhat jaded when it comes to cybersecurity messaging, the pandemic may be simultaneously hindering and helping attempts to reinforce the importance of internal cybersecurity efforts.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 18, 2020 | Legaltech News

Security, Stress and Schedules: How Collaboration Tools Are Changing Legal's Culture

Collaboration platforms are changing how law firms and corporate legal departments think about external or internal communications, and their tolerance for tools that encourages a higher degree of informality and cybersecurity risk.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 17, 2020 | Legaltech News

Onit Looks to Close AI Gap With Acquisition of McCarthyFinch

With the McCarthyFinch acquisition, Onit is rapidly attempting to boost its own AI capabilities as it looks to position itself in a crowded contract management marketplace.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

November 13, 2020 | Legaltech News

Privacy's Rising Stakes May Be Changing In-House's Relationship With Outside Counsel

Corporate legal departments have often relied on outside counsel to help navigate an increasingly complicated landscape of global privacy laws. But as updates like California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 continue to roll in, companies may find it more cost effective to engage the services of contract workers or even long-term hires.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 12, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Post-Election Headache? Legal Departments on Possible Collision Course With Data Portability

A recent expansion of Massachusetts' right to repair laws underscores the challenges organizations may face in attempting to make consumer data accessible to third parties without risking major liability.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 11, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Quality Trumps Quantity in Legal Departments' Use of AI Analytics

The virtual Global Academic Summit examined how legal departments can use AI-based analytics to shave millions of dollars off of operating costs. But they have to contend with the shoddy condition of their data first.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 10, 2020 | Legaltech News

CLOC Throws Open Its Doors to the Entire Legal Ecosystem

During the kickoff to CLOC's virtual Global Institute on Tuesday, the organization announced it will be opening up membership to service providers, tech companies and law schools. The change will force CLOC to balance its original mission as an in-house resource with the recognition of emerging industry-wide challenges.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

November 10, 2020 | Legaltech News

COVID-19 Pushing Corporate Law Into Broader Tech Transformation, ALSP Acceptance

Deloitte's 2020 Legal Department Survey found that despite budget restrictions, increased workloads courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic is driving more departments to embrace technological transformation or engage the services of alternative legal service providers.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 06, 2020 | Legaltech News

Legal Departments Are Making Service Providers an Offer They Can't Refuse

With the COVID-19 pandemic creating an uncertain economy populated by more price-savvy GCs, legal service providers may be finding themselves more willing to concede on certain terms. But negotiations are often a two way street.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

November 05, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

A Dispersed Legal Department Could Save Costs—Until It Doesn't

Corporate legal departments have spent the last several months working remotely out of necessity. But there could be great value—and great risk—in keeping the arrangement going long-term.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read