Frank Ready

Frank Ready

Frank Ready is a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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March 26, 2020 | Legaltech News

Are Savvier Communication Tools Helping Firms Compete Against ALSPs?

Collaboration platforms can help law firms stay top of mind in a marketplace crowded with ALSPs, placing a heavy emphasis on real-time, nonverbal client communications.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

March 25, 2020 | Legaltech News

How 3 Law Firms Are Using Tech to Respond to COVID-19 Disruption

As the COVID-19 pandemic throws businesses into a tailspin, some law firms are developing dedicated legal tech tools to address rapidly changing client needs.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

March 19, 2020 | Legaltech News

The Millennial March Into Leadership Positions May Already Be Changing Firms

Competition against corporate legal departments for millennial attorneys may already be driving changes to traditional law firm structure and technology.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

March 18, 2020 | Legaltech News

Coronavirus Outbreak May Also Put Attorneys at Greater Risk for Cyber Infection

With many law firms working remotely due to the coronavirus, attorneys may be prime targets for hackers and phishing campaigns looking to take advantage of the disruption.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

March 17, 2020 | Legaltech News

5 Unique Challenges Facing ALSPs in the Modern Market

From sudden name changes to an often tumultuous 'frenemy' relationship with law firms, ALSPs have some issues to figure out in a shifting legal market.

By Frank Ready

1 minute read

March 16, 2020 | Legaltech News

CLOC Cancels Vegas Institute Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) announced the cancellation of its May Vegas Institute on Monday afternoon. Plans for rescheduling the annual conference are still unclear.

By Frank Ready

2 minute read

March 16, 2020 | Legaltech News

For Legal Services Industry, Europe Travel Ban Brings Little Disruption

A European travel ban intended to curtail the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. may have a limited impact on the ability of legal tech companies and alternative legal service providers to operate internationally. But the real threat could be the toll the virus takes on a business' workforce.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

March 13, 2020 | Legaltech News

Want to Excel in E-Discovery? Join a Band.

While raw creativity may not be the first thing that jumps to mind when people think about e-discovery, artistic outlets may be helping to create better practitioners.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

March 12, 2020 | Legaltech News

Why Can't Tech Kill the Billable Hour at Law Firms?

The CEO of Atrium's software startup said they failed because they couldn't "make a dent in operational efficiency." Turns out they're likely not alone.

By Frank Ready

6 minute read

March 11, 2020 | Legaltech News

Amazon, Microsoft Are Big, But Privacy Compliance Market Is Bigger

Tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon are starting to bake more privacy features into their services, but while the already broad use of those products across corporate environments may give those companies an advantage, don't count on them dominating the compliance space.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read