Frank Ready

Frank Ready

Frank Ready is a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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July 09, 2021 | Legaltech News

For E-Discovery Vendors, Rebranding Brings Risk—But Bigger Rewards

While a botched rebrand can leave clients "overwhelmed," for e-discovery vendors, incorporating sought-after terms such as "compliance" or "information governance" into their branding can be a vital business necessity.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

July 07, 2021 | Legaltech News

LegalZoom's IPO Highlights DIY Offerings' Appeal, but IPOs Aren't for Everyone

While other business-to-consumer platforms may welcome the exposure LegalZoom's IPO brings, they may not see an IPO as a realistic option in their immediate future.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

July 06, 2021 | Legaltech News

Why Cybersecurity Has Become Even More Challenging for Law Firms

Law firms can't afford to treat cybersecurity as an afterthought, especially with clients paying even more attention to how attorneys go about protecting their sensitive and highly confidential business information.

By Frank Ready

1 minute read

July 02, 2021 | Legaltech News

Can E-Discovery Professionals Fill Privacy Roles? It's a Natural—But Difficult—Transition

The line between e-discovery and privacy talent continues to blur in the eyes of organizations that need help managing information governance. But first, e-discovery professionals need to master international privacy laws.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

July 01, 2021 | Legaltech News

Passing Cybersecurity Audits Doesn't Need to Be Expensive—It's Just Easier That Way

Law firms are trying to stay a step ahead of laborious client cyber audits by investing in new technology. But while buzz-worthy tools or solutions may draw the attention of clients, cloud vendors and better security practices may be the less expensive way to go.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

June 30, 2021 | Legaltech News

LegalZoom Hits Nasdaq With More Than 19 Million Shares at $28 a Share

LegalZoom CEO Dan Wernikoff rang the opening bell at the Nasdaq Global Market on Wednesday morning to help celebrate the DIY legal services company officially going public.

By Frank Ready

2 minute read

June 30, 2021 | Legaltech News

It's Official: Intapp Brings 10 Million Shares to Nasdaq at $26 a Share

Software provider Intapp has officially gone public, banking on a lucrative market and a digitization trend that shows no signs of slowing down to help drive continued interest among general investors.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

June 29, 2021 | Legaltech News

Forget In-Person: E-Discovery Industry Embraces Virtual Networking

Despite a high demand for top job candidates, neither e-discovery stakeholders nor job seekers are eager to reengage with in-person networking opportunities just yet—especially with virtual platforms making it easier to form connections.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

June 28, 2021 | Legaltech News

For ALSPs, Is It Better to Go Big or Go Niche?

While clients may increasingly want ALSPs to expand their range of services and offerings, the end result could find legal departments grappling with an overstuffed and redundant list of homogenized outside service providers.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read

June 25, 2021 | Legaltech News

More Demanding Cyber Audits Can Push Legal Service Providers to Their 'Tipping Point'

Under pressure from cyberinsurers, clients are requiring increasingly demanding vendor cyber audit requirements. Law firms and other outside providers say there's a point where such audits may not be worth their time, technological investment and effort.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read