September 25, 2000 |
Teen Can't Be Taped at Jail, Lawyer Argues at Georgia HearingCan an incarcerated juvenile give informed consent to being taped? A Cobb County, Ga., superior court has been asked to rule on the issue in the case of a 17-year-old charged with murder. The defendant's phone calls from jail to his relatives were recorded and later played at a pre-trial hearing. The ruling, expected this week, will make Georgia the first state to address the question.
By Julia D. Gray
4 minute read
March 08, 2001 |
Thomas Means Pair Establishes Litigation FirmJust two years after joining Montgomery, Ala.-based Thomas, Means, Gillis, Devlin, Robinson & Seay, Marvin A. Devlin and Mark E. Robinson have formed their own firm. Devlin says the pair wants to focus on "high-end litigation" on both the plaintiff and defense sides. The Thomas Means firm will add more attorneys -- as many as three -- to its Atlanta office as the need arises.
By Julia D. Gray
8 minute read
September 25, 2001 |
Litigator Offers Guide for New LawyersCommercial litigation attorney Christen Civiletto Carey, of Atlanta's Kritzer & Levick, has authored a career guide for law students and new lawyers. The book, "Full Disclosure: The New Lawyer's Must-Read Career Guide," goes beyond publishing the usual roster of law firm addresses for mass mailings. Instead, it provides in-depth analysis of what career searches and law firm jobs entail.
By Julia D. Gray
4 minute read
March 07, 2011 | New York Law Journal
Second Circuit Rejects 'Gifting' in DBSD RulingAlison D. Bauer and William F. Gray Jr. of Torys' New York office discuss the Chapter 11 plan context by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit pertaining to gift-giving, and how the court analyzed the ulterior motives that warrant designating, or disqualifying, plan votes because of a lack of "good faith."
By Alison D. Bauer and William F. Gray Jr.
13 minute read
July 05, 2001 |
NY Firm Opens in Atlanta With Ex-Hawkins & Parnell GroupNew York's Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman opened an office in Atlanta with four attorneys from the Atlanta litigation firm Hawkins & Parnell. Common clients -- including chemical compound manufacturer Celanese AG -- spurred the opening of the new office. The Atlanta office of the Kasowitz firm will focus on toxic tort and complex commercial litigation.
By Julia D. Gray
2 minute read
March 01, 2001 |
Home Depot Chief Hires His Ex-CounselNew Home Depot CEO Robert L. Nardelli has plucked his former personal lawyer to head the corporation's legal department. Frank L. Fernandez secured the job through his affiliation with Nardelli, who left the helm of General Electric Co. Schenectady, N.Y., Power Systems Division in December to become president and chief executive officer at Home Depot.
By Julia D. Gray
4 minute read
February 28, 2007 | National Law Journal
Buying Distressed Assets Under �363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy CodeBuying assets through a Chapter 11 process has advantages, but it's also fraught with pitfalls for the unwary. In this article Torys partners Alison Bauer and William Gray Jr. highlight some of those plusses and minuses and look at recent trends. They focus on sales under �363, which allows a buyer to obtain court approval of a purchase cheaper and faster -- and with the advantages and protections of a court order largely intact -- than through a reorganization plan or from a post-confirmation trustee.
By Alison D. Bauer and William F. Gray Jr.
11 minute read
February 24, 2003 |
A New Kind of Employment PracticeFed up with large-firm economics, two prominent Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker partners in Atlanta have packed up their corner offices and set up a downsized firm that they say represents the future of employment practices. R. Lawrence Ashe Jr. and Nancy E. Rafuse hope their leaner operation and narrower focus will lure clients similarly frustrated by the big firms' rate pressure.
By Julia D. Gray
6 minute read
November 13, 2001 |
Client Sues Saying Lawyer Wore 'Too Many Hats'John P. Kelly, former chief executive officer of Florida-based marketing firm M2Direct, accused Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough and Glenn W. Sturm, a partner in the firm's Atlanta office, of malpractice and fraud. The case stems from Sturm's involvement as M2Direct board vice chairman, corporate secretary and investor at the same time he represented Kelly on personal matters and served as the company's outside counsel.
By Julia D. Gray
2 minute read
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