Hank Grezlak is the editor-in-chief for ALM's legal theme desks and regional publications and oversees Law.com, and has been covering courts and law firms since 1993. He has won numerous awards for his journalism, including several for investigative reporting, columns, and enterprise reporting. In 2016 he was awarded the G.D. Crain, Jr. Award for Distinguished Editorial Career.
November 21, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer
Right Now Is as Good a Time As Any for Some Kind WordsI haven�t written in about a month � no, I wasn�t in hiding from certain members of the judiciary; I took my wife for a long vacation and have been dealing with a family situation � and I was anxious to get back to it.
By Hank Grezlak
8 minute read
December 15, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer
JCB's Responses to '06 Conahan Complaint Marked by InconsistenciesThe Judicial Conduct Board's answers to questions about how it handled the detailed complaint filed against indicted former Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Conahan in 2006 have been marked by inconsistencies and drawn accusations of stonewalling.
By Hank Grezlak And Leo Strupczewski
8 minute read
April 12, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
JCB Spent $46,000 in Lokuta Probe and ProsecutionThe Judicial Conduct Board spent more than $46,000 between 2004 and 2008 investigating and prosecuting former Luzerne County Judge Ann H. Lokuta.
By Leo Strupczewski and Hank Grezlak
5 minute read
June 01, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Despite Report, JCB Reforms May Prove ElusiveAlthough the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice in its final report chose subtle language to take to task nearly every aspect of how the Judicial Conduct Board operates, its prescription is far-reaching, suggesting that a constitutional amendment might be necessary to remedy the board's problems.
By Hank Grezlak and Leo Strupczewski
9 minute read
April 10, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lokuta's Case Is a Potential Bomb for the Supreme CourtAfter initially getting caught flat-footed, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has generally made all the right moves as it attempts to deal with the fallout emanating from the judicial wasteland known as Luzerne County.
By Hank Grezlak
7 minute read
May 26, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer
Pedestrians Unaffected By Limited Tort OptionPedestrians injured by automobiles are not bound by limited tort coverage, a unanimous state Supreme Court has ruled.
By Hank Grezlak
6 minute read
March 30, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
The Interbranch Commission Faces a Daunting DeadlineOne compelling question in the wake of the Luzerne County judicial scandal is this: Can Pennsylvania's legal version of Humpty Dumpty be put back together again? That's something the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice is looking to answer, and they only have until May 31 to come up with their suggestions.
By Hank Grezlak
6 minute read
March 14, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lower UM/UIM Must Be Declared Every Time Coverage Is AlteredEvery time an insurance customer alters his liability limits, it's presumed his UM/UIM limits will equal that limit unless he specifically requests reduced coverage, the state Superior Court has ruled.
By Hank Grezlak
6 minute read
August 14, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer
Some Judges Understand the Evil of Corruption, Some Don't Have a ClueI pumped my fist in the air at the news federal prosecutors gave notice they wanted to appeal the powder puff sentence U.S. District Judge Ronald L. Buckwalter gave to convicted former state Sen. Vincent Fumo.
By Hank Grezlak
6 minute read
December 19, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer
How Life Can Quickly Turn Around: A Simple ExampleI would rather be an optimist and risk being disappointed by life than be a pessimist and guarantee it. That's one of my favorite sayings. I've been saying it a lot lately.
By Hank Grezlak
6 minute read