Hank Grezlak

Hank Grezlak

Hank Grezlak is the editor-in-chief for ALM's legal theme desks and regional publications and oversees, and has been covering courts and law firms since 1993. He has won numerous awards for his journalism, including several for investigative reporting, columns, and enterprise reporting. In 2016 he was awarded the G.D. Crain, Jr. Award for Distinguished Editorial Career.

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July 31, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Investing in Business Development and Leadership Training

Business development and leadership training are even more important for midsize firms. But how do you do it with limited resources and money?

By Hank Grezlak

5 minute read

July 16, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Still Growing in Florida

Amid all the talk of layoffs, reduced revenue and no mergers, some firms are still in expansion mode.

By Hank Grezlak

5 minute read

July 10, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: With Mergers Down, What's the Impact For Midsize Firms?

With mergers at a standstill, and some firms in distress, the dynamics could change when firms decide to go into expansion mode again.

By Hank Grezlak

7 minute read

June 25, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Lawyer Income Takes a Hit

One survey showed small firm lawyers and solo practitioners were seeing steeper declines in revenue, but midsize and large firms were hardly unscathed.

By Hank Grezlak

5 minute read

June 19, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Are Trade Names the Way to Go for Some Midsize Firms?

One interesting idea suggested in the article is that short, punchy, trade names can have benefits for law firms beyond effective marketing.

By Hank Grezlak

6 minute read

June 12, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Surprise! Midsize Firms Can Be Successful Too

Firms in the bottom half of the AmLaw 200 that outperformed the firms in the upper half. What does that mean?

By Hank Grezlak

6 minute read

June 05, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: The Mechanics of Reopening Offices

How will law firms reopen? And what will the "new normal" look like? Based on some recommendations, it means things like frequent testing, staggered attendance, and one-way hallways. And that's not the half of it.

By Hank Grezlak

6 minute read

May 29, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: The Upside to Everyone Working from Home

What are the lessons learned from everyone working remotely for nearly three months? And how will things change permanently when firms reopen?

By Hank Grezlak

5 minute read

May 13, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: How to Cut Costs Amid COVID-19

Some firms are furloughing workers, others aren't. Is there one right approach? And how big a revenue hit should firms be anticipating?

By Hank Grezlak

7 minute read

April 30, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: The Difficulty in Staying Connected

With so many working remotely during the pandemic, the initial fears were about the tech. That doesn't seem to be an issue. But there are issues with communication.

By Hank Grezlak

5 minute read