July 16, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Hawaii Adopts the NAIC Data Security Model LawThe NAIC Hawaii Insurance Data Security Model Law has been adopted in eleven other states.
By Hannah Smith
2 minute read
July 14, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Hospital System Sued After Significant Cybersecurity BreachThe cases allege the hospital system should have foreseen the possibility of a cyberattack, given the nature of the information stored, and the increasing number of cyber attacks on entities who store such sensitive client information.
By Hannah Smith
3 minute read
July 14, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Industry Experts Comment on Eighth Circuit's BI DecisionHow is the industry responding to the first Appellate decision in a COVID-19 business interruption case?
By Hannah Smith
4 minute read
July 13, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Policyholder Wins Due to New York's Broad Defense ObligationFound in favor of a policyholder in a case that reaffirms an insurer's broad defense obligation, holding that an insurer could not evade coverage on the grounds that the insureds were not acting in an insured capacity.
By Hannah Smith
3 minute read
July 13, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
NC Restaurants Ask Supreme Court to Take Business Interruption CaseThe restaurants are asking the Supreme Court to bypass the Court of Appeals and consider an insurer's appeal of a trial court decision that found there was coverage for COVID-19 business interruptions under the insurance policy.
By Hannah Smith
2 minute read
July 12, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Connecticut Passes Climate Change Adaptation LawThe bill focused on how and how much Connecticut is investing in climate change resilience projects as the state prepares to widely address the severe impacts of climate change.
By Hannah Smith
1 minute read
July 09, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Colorado Bans Use of Some Data for Insurance RatesThe new law bans the use of any factors that disproportionately harm communities of color, or people on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
By Hannah Smith
2 minute read
July 07, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Insurer Wins in First Appellate Business Interruption SuitSo far, Iowa state and federal courts have uniformly determined that the COVID-19 pandemic and related government-imposed restrictions do not constitute a direct physical loss.
By Hannah Smith
3 minute read
July 06, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
US Supreme Court Paves the Way for College Athletes to Get PaidThe decision is a leap for college athletes as it expands their access to unrestricted education-related payments. It represents another step toward expanded rights, protections, and opportunities for student-athletes.
By Charles F. Gfeller and Olivia C. Tawa
7 minute read
July 06, 2021 | Insurance Coverage Law Center
Disney Sued by Insurer Over $10M Pandemic Loss ClaimsThis is the latest suit in a major amount of litigation stemming from pandemic-related insurance claims in entertainment and other industries.
By Hannah Smith
2 minute read