Heather Nevitt

Heather Nevitt

Heather D. Nevitt is the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Counsel and Global Leaders in Law.

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February 01, 2018 | Texas Lawyer

Editor's Note: The Familiarity of February

Ah, February—the month of Cupid, President's Day, a short 28 day month (for the most part) and … the Slowpoke Report.

By Heather Nevitt

2 minute read

January 01, 2018 | Texas Lawyer

Editor's Note: Resolutions and Thanks

IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE, BUT IT IS A NEW YEAR.My grandmother always said that the older you get, the faster time goes by. It could not be truer. Whether…

By Heather Nevitt

2 minute read

December 20, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Corporate Counsel's Top Ten Most Viewed Stories of 2017

Here's a look back at our most widely-read stories of the year.

By Heather Nevitt |

3 minute read

December 12, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

In Between In-House Jobs? Two Dos and One Don't While You're on the Hunt

So, your company has gone bankrupt, been acquired, or relocated its headquarters to the moon. These are generally considered the “good” reasons for being in-between positions while searching for a new in-house position.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

December 07, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Lead and Sustain Change With a Strategy: 8 Tips

This GLOBAL IN-HOUSE column, the second in a three-part series exploring how in-house leaders can bring change and disruption, focuses on practical tips to manage change in your legal function through strategy.

By E. Leigh Dance

6 minute read

December 06, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

When Can a Former Employee-Turned-Whistleblower Use Internal Company Documents?

Imagine you own a company, and your chief compliance officer one day "blows the whistle" and alleges your company broke the law. After she leaves your company, you receive a demand letter from her attorney alleging that you have retaliated against her for blowing the whistle.

By Greg Keating and John Calhoun

6 minute read

December 04, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Newsmakers: Week of Dec. 4

AppointmentJarvis V. Hollingsworth, a partner in Bracewell's Houston office, has been appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott to serve as chairman of the…

By Mary Alice Robbins

2 minute read

December 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Editor's Note: Trusting Justice

As lawyers, we truly believe in the law, in justice, and that the system works. But we are also aware of the rare wrongful conviction case—and it…

By Heather Nevitt

2 minute read

November 29, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

How to Prepare: The Nuts and Bolts of Creating a Litigation Story

The late U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan often reminded his Senate colleagues that “everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts.” Had Sen. Moynihan been a trial attorney, his mantra would have likely been, “in litigation, attorneys are entitled to rely on their own reading of the facts, but the only opinions that actually mater are those of the judge and jury.”

By Adam Rosenthal

27 minute read

November 28, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

What Is a Litigation Story? Advice for GCs Preparing Their Company's Litigation Strategy

If after two months into a new case outside counsel is unable to clearly articulate a thoughtful, unique, and convincing litigation story about the case, you should find a new attorney. Successful trial lawyers are master storytellers.

By Adam Rosenthal

19 minute read